Oslo Summer 2022 - Collections, Archives and Libraries

The 2022 ATTR Summer Seminar will explore the critical and interpretative significance of collections, archives, and libraries and provide multidisciplinary perspectives on the institutional, spatial, cognitive and gendered aspects of ensembles of texts.

A fresco of two people with a stylus and wax tablet

Photo by Sailko. Ancient Libraries Exhibition (Colosseum, 2014)


Academic conceptions of texts are deeply intertwined with notions of compilations, collections, archives and libraries. They provide storage space for literary and material objects but also serve as cognitive ordering structures.

They offer access to knowledge but they simultaneously regulate availability, impose plausibility structures and define borders. We sometimes take the collections of texts that order our fields for granted, but they are far from fixed and given.

What are the principles for organizing compilations of texts? What does it take for a collection of books to be called a library? Are texts retrieved from the same find spot necessarily one archive? How do memories of libraries—real or imagined—shape academic knowledge?

The seminar is in cooperation with the Centre for Advanced Study project Books Known Only by Title: Exploring the Gendered Structures of the First Millennium Imagined Library (CAS 2020/2021).


If you are not already a member of the ATTR, first you need to apply for membership. PhDs from UiO, UiB, NTNU, UiT and MF can apply to become institutional members. All other PhDs (nationally and abroad) may apply to become visiting members.

Secondly, you need to apply for participation in this seminar. There are now two formats for participating: earning and not earning ECTS points. Details are described in the PhD Guide for the seminar (See Guide section under Program, below). 

Apply for the seminar with ECTS (Deadline May 6)

Apply for the seminar without ECTS (Deadline May 6)


(Subject to changes)

Practical information

 A seminar for PhD students within the fields of Humanities, Theology, and Law.

  • This is the same seminar planned for summer 2021. ATTR members that applied for the 2021-event will be guaranteed the right to take part in the 2022 event, if they wish to participate.
  • The seminar equals 5 ECTS
  • The seminar is free of charge and most of your expenses (flight tickets, hotel, most meals) will be covered
  • Registration is binding, provided that you are admitted. 
  • Before the application deadline, make sure that you have uploaded all necessary attachments. Please see our overview of application and participation requirements for further information.
  • Deadline for paper May 13 and reflection notes and responses June 1


Please contact ATTRs administrative coordinator Ina Marie Ausland

Published Apr. 27, 2021 11:26 AM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2023 3:13 PM