How to participate

Participation at ATTR seminars requires, first, a membership in the research school and, secondly, an application for each specific seminar. Below you will find guidelines for the application and participation requirements.

After reading the guidelines below, you may register your application in the University of Oslo's course portal Søknadsweb.

If you have questions related to the technical aspect of Søknadsweb, please contact Knutepunktet.

Apply for membership

A prerequisite for participation is membership. We welcome applications for membership from PhD candidates admitted into PhD programs at all member institutions (UiO, UiB, UiT, NTNU, MF). PhD fellows accepted at other programs are welcome to apply for guest membership. When you become a regular or guest member of the ATTR, you are also admitted into the ATTR Member Associations

Participate with ECTS

In order to earn ECTS for your doctoral program you need to:

The documents you will have produced when the seminar is completed, are:

  • Your PhD paper: A specimen of your ongoing research, normally 15-25 pages all inclusive
  • Abstract for your PhD-paper: No more than one page, English language
  • Two responses to fellow PhD candidates’ presentations
  • A short reflection on how parts of the mandatory reading relate to your PhD project

The workload requirements you will have fulfilled when the seminar is completed, are:

  • You will have completed the mandatory reading in advance of the seminar, and made your reflections on at least one of those readings (cf. above)
  • You will have presented your own PhD-paper, responded to two other PhD papers, and taken part in all plenary and PhD group events.

Participate without ECTS

In order to participate without earning ECTS points you need to:

  • Apply via email to Ina Marie Ausland
  • Provide a smaller number of documents and fulfil reduced workload requirements

The documents you will have produced when the seminar is completed, are:

  • Your PhD paper: A specimen of your ongoing research, normally 15-25 pages all inclusive
  • Abstract for your PhD-project: No more than one page, English language
  • Two responses to fellow PhD candidates’ presentations

The workload requirements you will have fulfilled when the seminar is completed, are:

  • You will have  presented your own PhD paper, responded to two other PhD papers, and taken part in all PhD group events


The working language of ATTR is English. All sessions use this language, and all abstracts, responses, and reflections must be written in English. If your thesis is written in a Scandinavian language, you may submit your PhD paper in that language. If so, you need to send us an email notifying us of your choice of language when applying for participation in a seminar. All other documents you submit must still be in English.

Tips for applicants

PhD students from other institutions than the University of Oslo should pay attention to the following:

  • If you are a PhD fellow employed in Norway: Register in the University of Oslo's Søknadsweb portal, not the portal of your own institution.
  • If you are employed at one of the ATTR member institutions (UiT, UiO, UiB, NTNU or MF) you will need to be an ATTR member in order to be admitted. Please apply for ATTR membership within the application deadline.
  • If you are a PhD student/fellow from a non-Norwegian institution and have not registered before: European/EEA Citizen: open an account as an "International Applicant" and apply.
  • Non-European citizen: Contact Ina Marie Ausland before you apply.


Your admittance will depend on the relevance of your PhD project to the ATTR educational program, and your topic and academic field. At every seminar, we form an interdisciplinary group with PhD students from the fields of Law, Theology and the Humanities, and preferably from all ATTR's partner institutions and international top-level academic institutions.

Each seminar has a limited number of Places. Most places are reserved for PhDs employed at UiO/UiB/UiT/MF/NTNU (ATTR's member institutions), the rest for PhDs from other national and international institutions.