ATTR Digital Spring Seminar 2022 Reception: Practices and Strategies for Interpreting Texts 

The seminar will offer cutting edge presentations on the roles of materialities, politics, and emotions in the never-ending transformation of influential texts through their reception.

Photo of University of Oslo

University of Oslo by Colourbox


The ATTR is happy to invite participation in an exquisite research seminar program cast in co-operation with the Research Group on Reception Studies and History of the Book at Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies at the University of Oslo, headed by Dr. Giuliano D’Amico.

The seminar will offer cutting edge presentations on the roles of materialities, politics, and emotions in the never-ending transformation of influential texts through their reception. As always, the PhD seminars will offer valuable opportunities for ATTR members to present and discuss their ongoing research. The overall format of the program is designed for the digital / hybrid medium, relying on well-reputed technical and organizational skills of the ATTR team. In a time of zoom fatigue, this is one seminar that you do not wish to miss!

Local seminar hubs around in Norway

The seminar will be set up with plenty of time for conversation in small groups and with sufficient time for rest and recuperation. ATTR members have the opportunity to gather in local seminars hubs around Norway and enjoy social fellowship there. Participation in the seminar is free of charge for institutional and corresponding members of the ATTR. Meals served in local hubs are free for seminar participants. ATTR will cover travel and housing expenses for members who wish to travel to or within Norway to join a local hub somewhere in the country.

How to participate?

PhD and post doc. participants in the spring seminar may choose between two formats of participation 

1) With 5 ECTS credits

Participants submit and present a paper of their original research, they read all presentations in their PhD Seminar group, and prepare a response to two other papers in that group. They also read the assigned required readings and write a short written reflection on the potential significance of one of these readings for their own research. Please note that to earn the 5 ECTS you must be a member of the ATTR.    If you wish to participate earning ECTS credits, you need to apply through Søknadsweb before 14 February.

2) Without ECTS credits

 Participants submit and present a paper of their original research, the engage with all presentations in their PhD Seminar group and offer an oral response to two other presentations. There is no required reading or written reflection.  If you wish to participate without earning ECTS credits, simply send an email to Ina Marie Ausland before 28 February.

If you wish to participate in or travel to a local hub in Norway, please write to Ina Marie as soon as possible!

Program and guidelines

The digital / hybrid program for the seminar is available here. You will also find the general guide for ATTR digital and hybrid seminars, as well as the guides for presenters and participants respectively.

Research seminars

PhD seminars

Central to all ATTR seminars and summer schools are the PhD fellows’ own presentations of papers based on their dissertation work, with prepared responses by other PhD fellows. 

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of ATTR, the focus of the discussions will be primarily on methodological matters and interdisciplinary insights.

The PhD seminars are important means to the ATTR learning goals:

  • Writing and presentation skills: The seminars aim not only at providing a setting for constructive discussions relating to thesis work, but also at preparing the candidates for life after their dissertations. ATTR thus aims to hone students’ presentation and writing skills, skills that may be useful for development of research projects for which funding can be sought from, e.g., ERC and RCN.
  • Methodology: The objective of ATTR is to create a venue where interpretive methodologies can be critically discussed, evaluated, and developed, so as to broaden the candidates’ perspectives and heighten the quality of their analyses.
  • Networking: In all its activities, the creation of an interdisciplinary network of young scholars in order to ensure the highest possible academic quality of PhD education is a central goal of ATTR.


For further information, please send an email to Ina Marie Ausland

Published Apr. 15, 2021 3:44 PM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2023 3:19 PM