Art, Architecture and Authority

Spring Term Seminar in Paris


Photo from Paris with boat in the foreground and the Eifel Tower in the background

Photo: Anders Runesson


Program (.pdf)

List of participants (.pdf)

The International guest speaker will be Prof. Dr. Laura S. Nasrallah, Harvard. She will give a research seminar on  "Authoritative Texts and Public Display in the Spaces of the Roman Empire", see abstract. She will also participate in a panel debate, Academic skills, "Gendered Academia".

In addition, the following will give research seminars and lead Ph.D. student seminars, participate in discussions and/or give lectures:

Prof. Dr. Hans Petter Graver, Professor, Dep. of Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo:"Is law like a mediaeval cathedral? Reflections on Karl Llewellyn's On the Good, the True, the Beautiful, in Law"

Prof. Dr. Johs. Hjellbrekke, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Bergen, Director of The Norwegian University Centre in Paris (DNUC): Authority and Institutions.

Prof. Dr. Marianne B. Kartzow, Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo: "Authority On the Road Again: Travelling Memory and the Case of Hagar"

Prof. Dr. Bente Larsen, Professor, Dep. of Philosophy, Classics, History of Arts and Ideas, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo: "The Authority of the Gaze".

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rebecca Scherr, Associate Professor, English Language Literature, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo: "Interdisciplinary Insights".

Prof. Dr. Hugo Lundhaug, Professor, Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo, ATTR Scientific Director: "Art, Architecture, and Authority"


In all seminars and summer schools, the PhD fellow's own presentation of papers based on their dissertation work, with prepared responses by other PhD fellows, is central. The focus of the discussions will be primarily on methodological matters and interdsciplinary insights. 

Please read the ATTR's Seminar guide Paris 2017 carefully before you write you paper.


Written responses: March 6, 2017



Published June 28, 2016 9:10 AM - Last modified Feb. 14, 2023 6:33 AM