Religious diversity after "religion": Rethinking theologies of religious pluralism

Guest lecture by John J. Thatamanil.

John J. Thatamanil is Associate Professor of Theology and World Religions at Union Theological Seminary. He is the author of The Immanent Divine: God, Creation, and the Human Predicament. An East-West Conversation (Fortress Press, 2006).

Prof. Thatamanil is a past-president of the North American Paul Tillich Society (NAPTS) and Project Director of the AAR’s Summer Seminars on Theologies of Religious Pluralism and Comparative Theology. He teaches a wide variety of courses including “Process Theology,” “Tillich and the Future of Theology,” “Hindu-Christian Dialogue,” and “Comparative Theology.”

The seminar is held by the research group Interreligious Studies at the Faculty of Theology in cooperation with PluRel (Religion in Pluralist Societies). The theme tunes in with PluRel's conference in January 2013 about "The concept of religion in research and education".


Publisert 15. okt. 2013 11:00 - Sist endret 15. okt. 2013 11:00