Marianne Bjelland Kartzow

Professor - Fagseksjonen
Bilde av Marianne Bjelland Kartzow
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Faglige interesser

Jeg er intressert i Det nye testamentet og alle de ulike sammenhengene disse tekstene inngår i. Særlig viktig er det å utforske hvordan NT kan plasseres inn i sin sosial-historiske kontekst (jødisk, gresk-romersk), og undersøke hvordan tidlig kristen litteratur på ulike måter interagerer med sin samtid. I boken min Gossip and Gender: Othering of Speech in the Pastoral Epistles (2009) var dette avgjørende perspektiver. Men NT-tekstene har også en effekt-historie som strekker seg til vår tid: Tekstene fortsetter å skape sammenheng, identitet og erindrings-strukturer, eller bidrar til å legitimere makt og posisjon. Her har særlig innsikter fra kjønnsforskningen vært avgjørende, og det nye teoretiske konseptet "interseksjonalitet" har gitt meg viktige perspektiver på NT-tekstene. Tverrfaglighet står også sentralt; jeg mener det er en vesentlig utfordring for bibel-forskningen å bidra til den bredere teori-utviklingen, og er jeg er glad for å tilhøre et fagmiljø hvor dette har høy prioritet. I min nyeste bok, Destabilizing the Margins 2012 ( står dette sentralt.

Internasjonale nettverk og samarbeid

Jeg har vært "Program Unit Chair" for SBL International Meeting siden 2005, for gruppen "The Pastoral and Catholic Epistles." Fra 2010 er jeg sammen med Jeremy Hultin ved Yale University ansvarlig for den nyetablerte gruppen "Speech and Talk: Discources and Social Practices in the Ancient Mediterranean World" under SBL Annual Meeting ( Fra 2012 er jeg med i komiteen for den nyetablerte gruppen Slavery, Resistance, and Freedom som ledes av Bernadette Brooten ved Brandeis University.

I oktober 2010 var jeg (sammen med Pieter Botha) medarrangør for en konferanse i Sør-Afrika, ved UNISA, og med-redaktør på tidsskriftet som ble gitt ut i ettertid. Tittel på konferansen: "Memory and Identity in Early Christianity: Complexity and Hybridity" (


For meg henger forskning tett sammen med veiledning og undervisning. Jeg har ved flere anledninger undervist i emner som berører de samme problemstillingene som forskningen min, og har veiledet master-studenter med samme faglige interesse som meg. Jeg er opptatt av at studentene skal bli engasjert i faget og se betydningen av bibelfagene for det studie-løpet de er i gang med, enten de skal bli teologer/prester, lærere eller utdanner seg innenfor religion og samfunn. Noen eksempler på kurs jeg har undervist:

Emneord: Det nye testamente, Kjønn og religion, Hermeneutikk, Den historiske Jesus, Evangelielitteratur


Destabilizing the Margins: An Intersectional Approach to early Christian Memory. Wipf and Stock Publishers. ISBN 978-1610976756 (2012)

Gossip and Gender: Othering of Speech in the Pastoral Epistles. DeGruyter, BZNW 164, Berlin; New York (2009)

  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2023). Eine Polyphonie aus Schweigen und Sprechen? Die mehrdeutigen weiblichen Stimmen des Corpus Paulinum. I Poplutz, Uta & Zamfir, Korinna (Red.), Neutestamentliche Briefe. W. Kohlhammer GmbH. ISSN 978-3-17-040987-3. s. 271–288.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Eberhart, Christian A. & Borkataky-Varma, Sravana (2023). Introduction. I Borkataky-Varma, Sravana; Eberhart, Christian A. & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (Red.), Religious Responses to Pandemics and Crises Isolation, Survival, and #Covidchaos. Routledge. ISSN 9781032281223. s. 1–17.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Larsen, Kasper Bro & Lehtipuu, Outi (2023). Biblical Reception in a Nordic Context. I Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Larsen, Kasper Bro & Lehtipuu, Outi (Red.), The Nordic Bible. Bible Reception in Contemporary Nordic Societies. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter). ISSN 9783110685947. s. 3–21.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Neutel, Karin Berber (2023). “God Speaks Our Language”: Recent Scandinavian Bible Translations and the Heritagization of Christianity. I Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Larsen, Kasper Bro & Lehtipuu, Outi (Red.), The Nordic Bible. Bible Reception in Contemporary Nordic Societies. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter). ISSN 9783110685947. s. 163–178.
  • Balode, Dace & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2023). Intersectional Grassroots Reception: The Use of the Bible in Discourses of Gender Equality. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE. ISSN 1553-9962. 16(1), s. 5–24. doi: 10.20413/rascee.2023.16.1.5-24. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Solevåg, Anna Rebecca & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2023). The Ideal Meal: Masculinity and Disability among Host and Guests in Luke. Biblical Theology Bulletin. ISSN 0146-1079. 53(4), s. 272–282. doi: 10.1177/01461079231210850. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Wittek, Anne Line; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Hermansen, Hege (2023). Interactional Dynamics in Observation-Based Peer Group Mentoring. I de Lange, Thomas & Wittek, Anne Line (Red.), Faculty Peer Group Mentoring in Higher Education: Developing Collegiality through Organised Supportive Collaboration. Springer. ISSN 978-3-031-37457-9.
  • Hermansen, Hege; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Lycke, Kirsten Marie Rode Hofgaard & Rasmussen, Alf (2023). Peer Group Mentoring: Exploring the Interplay with Institutional Practices. I de Lange, Thomas & Wittek, Anne Line (Red.), Faculty Peer Group Mentoring in Higher Education: Developing Collegiality through Organised Supportive Collaboration. Springer. ISSN 978-3-031-37457-9. s. 39–54.
  • Lied, Liv Ingeborg; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Brownsmith, Esther (2023). A Jubilee of Fifty Books Known Only by Title. Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha. ISSN 0951-8207. 32(4), s. 376–398. doi: 10.1177/09518207221137070. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lied, Liv Ingeborg; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Brownsmith, Esther (2023). "Books Known Only by Title". Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha. ISSN 0951-8207. 32(4), s. 303–322. doi: 10.1177/09518207231161736.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2022). 'Speak evil of no one!'(Titus 3:2): Rethinking Stereotypes and Rhetorical Gossip Towards an Intersectional Ethics of Justice. I Zimmermann, Ruben & Manomi, Dogara Ishaya (Red.), 'Ready for Every Good Work' (Titus 3:1). Mohr Siebeck. ISSN 9783161611605. s. 283–295.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2022). The Evangelist Luke and the Ox. I Ween, Gro Birgit & Lundblad, Michael (Red.), Control: Attempting to Tame the World. Pax Forlag. ISSN 9788253043609. s. 208–213.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2022). The Former Slave Hermas, Lady Church and 'the Book': Rethinking the Visions with Intersectionality and Book History. I Harkins, Angela Kim & Maier, Harry (Red.), Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter). ISSN 9783110779547. s. 195–213.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2021). Lost and Found: A Narrative-Critical Reading of Luke 15. I Runesson, Anders Paul Lennart & Mitternacht, Dieter (Red.), Jesus, the New Testament and Christian Origins: Perspectives, Methods, Meanings. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. ISSN 9780802868923. s. 557–566.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2021). The Intersectional Power of 'the Book': The Shepherd of Hermas as Biblical Literature. I Voitila, Anssi; Niilo, Lahti & Mikael, Sundkvist (Red.), From Text to Persuasion: Festschrift in Honour of Professor Lauri Thurén on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. Finnish Exegetical Society. ISSN 9781781795729. s. 173–189.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2021). The 'Believing Woman' and Her Ekklēsia: Rethinking Intersectional Households and Manuscript Variations in the Widow’s Tale (1 Tim 5:3–16). Interpretation (Richmond). ISSN 0020-9643. 75(4), s. 305–316. doi: 10.1177/00209643211027767.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2021). Monsters and angels: The function and evaluation of the intersectional neighbours in the Gospels. I Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (Red.), The Ambiguous Figure of the Neighbour in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Texts and Perceptions. Routledge. ISSN 9780367637835. s. 78–101.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2021). Introduction: The ambiguous figure of the neighbor in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic texts and receptions. I Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (Red.), The Ambiguous Figure of the Neighbour in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Texts and Perceptions. Routledge. ISSN 9780367637835. s. 1–22.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2021). Conversion in/to the Wilderness: The Case of the Egyptian Slave Girl Hagar in Early Christian and Jewish Texts. I Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Nicolet, Valerie (Red.), The Complexity of Conversion: Intersectional Perspectives on Religious Change in Antiquity and Beyond. Equinox Publishing. ISSN 9781781795729. s. 162–184.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Nicolet, Valerie (2021). What is so Complex about "Conversion"? I Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Nicolet, Valerie (Red.), The Complexity of Conversion: Intersectional Perspectives on Religious Change in Antiquity and Beyond. Equinox Publishing. ISSN 9781781795729. s. 1–20.
  • Wittek, Anne Line; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Hermansen, Hege (2021). Hva skjer i dialogene? Om samtaledynamikker i kollegaveiledning og potensial for læring. I Wittek, Anne Line & de Lange, Thomas (Red.), Kollegaveiledning i høyere utdanning. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215048420. s. 81–102.
  • Hermansen, Hege; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Rasmussen, Alf & Lycke, Kirsten Hofgaard (2021). Kollegaveiledning: samspill eller motspill med institusjonelle praksiser. I Wittek, Anne Line & de Lange, Thomas (Red.), Kollegaveiledning i høyere utdanning. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215048420. s. 64–80.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Neutel, Karin Berber (2020). Neighbours Near and Far: How a Biblical Figure is Used in Recent European Anti-Migration Politics. Biblical Interpretation. ISSN 0927-2569. 29(3), s. 358–380. doi: 10.1163/15685152-2020003.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2019). 'Han var tvers igjennom hel ved': Forestillinger om liv, død og verdier i nekrologer og dødsannonser. I Gripsrud, Birgitta Haga & Thoresen, Lisbeth (Red.), Alt som lever må dø : døden som tverrfaglig kunnskapsfelt. Scandinavian Academic Press. ISSN 9788230402344. s. 173–194.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2019). The Ambiguous Neighbour: Female Neighbourhood Networks and the Parable of the Lost Coin. Neotestamentica. ISSN 0254-8356. 53(2), s. 271–289. doi: 10.1353/neo.2019.0019.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2018). "Jeg er Herrens slave" : Maria, kropp og metaforbruk i Det nye testamentet . Kirke og kultur. ISSN 0023-186X. 123(2), s. 103–118. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-3002-2018-02-03. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2018). Slave Children in the first-Century Jesus movement. I Aasgaard, Reidar; Horn, Cornelia B. & Cojocaru, Oana Maria (Red.), Childhood in History: Perceptions of Children in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Routledge. ISSN 9781472468925. s. 111–126. doi: 10.4324/9781315571133-7.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2017). Dealing With Sacred Scriptures: New Testament, Otherness and Intersectionality. I Sinn, Simone; El Omari, Dina & Grung, Anne Hege (Red.), Transformative Readings of Sacred Scriptures. Christians and Muslims in Dialogue. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt - Wissenschaft. ISSN 9783374054305. s. 173–183.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2017). Towards an Intersectional Hermeneutics: Constructing Meaning With and not of Galateans 3-4, Pauline Hermeneutics: Exploring the "Power of the Gospel". Evangelische Verlagsanstalt - Wissenschaft. ISSN 9783374048427. s. 85–97.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2016). Reproductive salvation and slavery: Reading 1 Timothy 2:15 with Hagar and Mary. Neotestamentica. ISSN 0254-8356. 50(1), s. 89–103. doi: 10.1353/neo.2016.0037.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2016). Gossiping Others. I Huizenga, Annette Bourland; Reid, Babara E. & Tanzer, Sarah (Red.), 1-2 Timothy. Titus.. Liturgical Press. ISSN 9780814682036. s. 62–63.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2016). Rewritten Stereotypes: Scripture and Cultural Echo in Luke's Parable of the Widow and the Judge. I Müller, Mogens & Nielsen, Jesper Tang (Red.), Luke's Literary Creativity. Bloomsbury Academic. ISSN 9780567665829. s. 208–224.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2015). Reproductive Capital and Slave Surrogacy: Thinking about/with/beyond Hagar. I Grung, Anne Hege; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Solevåg, Anna Rebecca (Red.), Bodies, Borders, Believers: Ancient Texts and Present Conversations. Pickwick Publications. ISSN 9781625644046. s. 396–409.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2014). Intersectionality and Biblical Studies. I O'Brien, Julia M. (Red.), Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Gender Studies. Volume 1: ASI – MUJ. Oxford University Press. ISSN 978-0-19-020488-4.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2014). Interseksjonell teori og arbeid med bibeltekster. St. Sunniva: Forum for Norsk Kvinnelig Teologforening. ISSN 0808-2901. 1, s. 23–38.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2013). The Complexity of Pairing: Reading Acts 16 with Plutarch's Parallel Lives. I Penner, Todd & Dupertuis, Ruben R. (Red.), Engaging Early Christian History: Reading Acts in the Second Century. Acumen Publishing. ISSN 978-1-84465-735-3. s. 123–139.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2013). Mangfold og kompleksitet: Perspektiver fra erindringsteori og interseksjonalitet. I Buch-Hansen, Gitte; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Solevåg, Anna Rebecca (Red.), Metodemangfold og Det nye testamentet : I fotsporene til den etiopiske evnukken. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-02-42645-3. s. 104–124.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2013). On Naming and Blaming: Hagar's God-talk in Jewish and Early Christian Sources. I Caspi, Mishael M. & Greene, John T. (Red.), In the Arms of Biblical Women. Gorgias Press. ISSN 978-1-4632-0231-6. s. 97–119. doi: 10.31826/9781463235611-006.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Maseno, Loreen Iminza (2012). Queering the Widow and the Judge in the Lukan Parable. Journal of Constructive Theology. ISSN 1025-5648. 18(1), s. 29–41.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2012). Navigating the Womb: Surrogacy, Slavery, Fertility - and Biblical Discourse. Acta Patristica et Byzantina. ISSN 1022-6486. 2. doi: 10.1080/10226486.2010.11879120.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Leirvik, Oddbjørn Birger & Moxnes, Halvor (2011). Kommentar: Jesus, Muhammad og norske identiteter. Kirke og kultur. ISSN 0023-186X. 3, s. 17–19.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2011). AN INTERSECTIONAL APPROACH TO EARLY CHRISTIAN MEMORY: THE CASE OF THE PASTORAL EPISTLES. Acta Patristica et Byzantina. ISSN 1022-6486. 2.
  • Grung, Anne Hege & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2011). Samtaler om Hagar. Tekster, fortellinger og religionsmøter. Kirke og kultur. ISSN 0023-186X. 116(3), s. 202–215.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Moxnes, Halvor (2010). Complex Identities: Ethnicity, Gender and Religion inthe Story of the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26–40). Religion and Theology: A Journal of Contemporary Religous Discourse. ISSN 1023-0807. 17, s. 184–204.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2010). Striking Family Hiearchies: Luke 12:35-48, Gender and Slavery. Acta Patristica et Byzantina. ISSN 1022-6486. 4.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2010). 'Asking the Other Question': An Intersectional Approach to Galatians 3:28 and the Colossian Household Codes. Biblical Interpretation. ISSN 0927-2569. 18(4/5), s. 364–389.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2010). Ressurection as Gossip: Representations of Women in Resurrection Stories of the Gospels. Lectio Difficilior. ISSN 1661-3317. 1, s. 1–28.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Solevåg, Anna Rebecca (2010). Hvem bryr seg om Pastoralbrevene? : nyere trender i Pastoralbrevsforskningen. Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-2176. 111(4), s. 255–269.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2008). Sladder som alternativ diskurs i tidlig kristendom. Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift. ISSN 0802-7005. 20(3), s. 17–23.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Borkataky-Varma, Sravana; Eberhart, Christian A. & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2023). Religious Responses to Pandemics and Crises Isolation, Survival, and #Covidchaos. Routledge. ISBN 9781032281223. 202 s.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Larsen, Kasper Bro & Lehtipuu, Outi (2023). The Nordic Bible. Bible Reception in Contemporary Nordic Societies. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter). ISBN 9783110685947.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2022). Neighbour in the war: Saviour or murderer? Rethinking neighbourhood in Bosnia. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-367-63784-2. 19 s.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Nicolet, Valerie (2021). The Complexity of Conversion: Intersectional Perspectives on Religious Change in Antiquity and Beyond. Equinox Publishing. ISBN 9781781795729. 266 s.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2021). The Ambiguous Figure of the Neighbour in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Texts and Perceptions. Routledge. ISBN 9780367637835. 227 s.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Nicolet, Valerie (2021). The Complexity of Conversion. Intersectional Perspectives on Religious Change in Antiquity and Beyond. Equinox Publishing. ISBN 9781781795729. 220 s.
  • Bylund, Louise Heklgaard; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Falkenberg, René & Larsen, Kasper Bro (2020). Nordic Interpretations of the New Testament, Challenging Texts and Perspectives. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ISBN 978-3-525-55456-2. 350 s.
  • Falkenberg, René; Heldgaard Bylund, Louise & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2019). Nordic Interpretations of the New Testament: Challenging Texts and Perspectives . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ISBN 978-3525554562. 216 s.
  • Røsok, Ingvild; Joachimsen, Kristin; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Skarpnes, Steinar Aandahl & Solevåg, Anna Rebecca (2019). Studiebibelen: Bibelen i 2011-oversettelse med introduksjoner og kommentarer. Verbum Forlag. ISBN 9788254108734. 1288 s.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2018). The Slave Metaphor and Gendered Enslavement in Early Christian Discourse. Double Trouble Embodied. Routledge. ISBN 9780815374657. 168 s.
  • Mtata, Kenneth & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2017). Pauline Hermeneutics: Exploring the "Power of the Gospel". Evangelische Verlagsanstalt - Wissenschaft. ISBN 9783374048427. 182 s.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2016). Lukas: Undring og utfordring. Verbum Forlag. ISBN 9788254313336. 132 s.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2016). Lukas. Undring og utforsring. Verbum Forlag. ISBN 9788254313336. 132 s.
  • Solevåg, Anna Rebecca; Grung, Anne Hege & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2015). Bodies, Borders, Believer. Ancient Texts and Present Conversations. Essays in Honor of Turid Karlsen Seim on Her 70th Birthday. Pickwick Publications. ISBN 978-1-62564-404-6. 453 s.
  • Grung, Anne Hege; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Solevåg, Anna Rebecca (2015). Bodies, Borders, Believers: Ancient Texts and Present Conversations. Pickwick Publications. ISBN 9781625644046. 453 s.
  • Buch-Hansen, Gitte; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Solevåg, Anna Rebecca (2013). Metodemangfold og Det nye testamentet : I fotsporene til den etiopiske evnukken. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-02-42645-3. 208 s.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2012). Destabilizing the Margins: An Intersectional Approach to early Christian Memory. Wipf and Stock Publishers. ISBN 978-1610976756. 204 s.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2009). Gossip and Gender: Othering of Speech in the Pastoral Epistles. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter). ISBN 978-3-11-021563-2. 241 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Grødeland, Gunnveig; Befring, Anne Kjersti; Røttingen, John-Arne; Mushtaq, Usman Ahmad; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Torp, Ole (2023). Paneldabatt: Forberedelse til den neste pandemien med virus X.
  • Lied, Liv Ingeborg & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2022). Collections, Libraries and Archives.
  • Lied, Liv Ingeborg & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2021). Books Known Only by Title: Findings and Surprises.
  • Fiksdal, Marit; Lied, Liv Ingeborg & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2021). Books Known Only by Title: A Widespread and Misunderstood Phenomenon. [Internett]. Centre for Advanced Study website.
  • Vidnes, Aksel Kjær; Lied, Liv Ingeborg & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2020). Fortviler over at internasjonale forskere fortsatt nektes innreise til Norge. [Internett]. Forskerforum.
  • Lied, Liv Ingeborg & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2020). “Books Known Only by Title: Exploring the Gendered Structures of the First Millennium Imagined Library”.
  • Martinsen, Anders & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2019). Man, New Testament. I Allison, Jr., Dale C.; Furey, Constance; McKenzie, Steven Linn; Römer, Thomas Chr.; Schröter, Jens; Seow, Choon-Leong; Walfish, Barry Dov & Ziolkowski, Eric (Red.), Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR), Volum 17 Lotus-Masrekah. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter). ISSN 978-3-11-031334-5.
  • Solevåg, Anna Rebecca & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2019). The Ideal Meal: Masculinity and Disability among Host and Guests in Luke .
  • Haaland, Gunnar; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Aadland, Ingunn & Bylund, Louise Heldgaard (2019). Den skandinaviske barnebibel: Barnelitteratur, bibelresepsjon og kulturell bibel. Prismet. ISSN 0032-8847. 70(2), s. 83–86. doi: 10.5617/pri.6949.
  • Solevåg, Anna Rebecca & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2018). Nordic Horizons in Feminist New Testament Scholarship.
  • Solevåg, Anna Rebecca & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2016). Feministteologisk hermeneutikk. St. Sunniva: Forum for Norsk Kvinnelig Teologforening. ISSN 0808-2901. s. 6–13.
  • Solevåg, Anna Rebecca; Grung, Anne Hege & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2015). Introduction. I Grung, Anne Hege; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Solevåg, Anna Rebecca (Red.), Bodies, Borders, Believers: Ancient Texts and Present Conversations. Pickwick Publications. ISSN 9781625644046. s. xiii–xvii.
  • Lerheim, Birgitte & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2014). Jeg åpner min bibel, der står: Vær rosa! Vårt land. ISSN 0805-5424.
  • Martinsen, Anders & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2014). Josef - en mann for vår tid? Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116. s. 8–9.
  • Solevåg, Anna Rebecca & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2014). En evnukk til besvær. [Avis]. Vårt Land.
  • Søvik, Atle Ottesen; Lånkan, Kjersti Blehr; Ødegaard, Knut Jørgen Røed; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Kvalbein, Hans (2013). Mysteriet julestjernen. [Avis]. Dagsavisen.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Buch-Hansen, Gitte & Solevåg, Anna Rebecca (2013). Innledning. I Buch-Hansen, Gitte; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Solevåg, Anna Rebecca (Red.), Metodemangfold og Det nye testamentet : I fotsporene til den etiopiske evnukken. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-02-42645-3. s. 11–20.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2012). The Memory of Hagar in Jewish and Christian texts.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2011). Intersectionality, Complexity, Hybridity - and Early Christain Studies.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2011). Navigating the Womb: Slavery, Fertility, Surrugacy - and Biblical Discourses.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2011). The Memory of Hagars Speech.
  • Grung, Anne Hege & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2011). Heller Hagar enn Abraham? Vårt land. ISSN 0805-5424.
  • Solevåg, Anna Rebecca & Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2011). Review of Contextualizing Gender in Early Christian Discourse. Thinking Beyond Thecla by Caroline Vander Stichele and Todd Penner. The Bible & Critical Theory. ISSN 1832-3391.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2010). Developing Methodology: Memory and Intersectionality.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2010). Family and Slavery Re-visited.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2010). Sladder og kjønn: Nye metodologiske overveielser.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2010). New Research on Female Slaves in Antiquity.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2010). An Intersectional Approach to Early Christian Memory: The Case of the Pastoral Epistles.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2010). An Intersectional Approach to the Pastoral Epistles.
  • Moxnes, Halvor; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Buell, Denise Kimber & Glancy, Jennifer A. (2010). Cultural Complexity and Intersectionality in the Study of the Jesus movement. Biblical Interpretation. ISSN 0927-2569. XVIII(4-5), s. 309–312.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2009). Women in the Professioon: A Nordic Perspective.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2009). The Stereotype of Gossip in the Pastorals and Luke.
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland (2009). Striking family hierarchy: Luke 12:35-48 revisited.

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Publisert 7. jan. 2013 09:21 - Sist endret 26. jan. 2023 13:35