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Arrangementer - Side 11

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Den norske kirke skal vedta ny kirkeordning. Hvilke konsekvenser får denne for organisering og teologi? TF inviterer til debatt.

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Meshack Edward Njinga will defend his doctoral dissertation: “The Kingdom of God and the Poor: The Bible Reading of the Economically Underprivileged Christians in Tanzania”, for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the Faculty of Theology.

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Situating Contextual Bible Study in the landscape of Critical Biblical Hermeneutics: Drinking from the wells of scholarship offered by African Women's Theologians and insights from African Biblical Hermeneutics.

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Migration challenges what it means to be a member and who is entitled to call themselves citizens. Migration, however, also challenges what it means to claim rights and what kind of human, social and legal dignity mobile people are in their right to claim.

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Er du interessert i forholdet mellom religion og samfunn? Eller hva som skjer når kristendom og islam møtes? 

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Vurderer du å studere teologi, eller er du bare litt nysgjerrig? Velkommen til informasjonsmøte om teologistudier på Det teologiske fakultet!

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David Stiles-Ocran will defend his doctoral dissertation: “Constructing A Heterotopic Christian Social Practice In Ghana”, for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the Faculty of Theology.

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Exploring liberative notions of diaconia and Christian Social Practice from the perspective of the Global South

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Hvem skal trøste pasienten?  

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Skal migranter møtes med gjestfrihet? 

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Truet eksistens – klimakrisen i møte med eksistensielle problemstillinger i filosofi, litteratur og teologi

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Hvordan ble Bibelen til? 

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‘Chaplaincy’ på norsk - Utfordringer og muligheter ved pluralisering av åndelig og eksistensiell omsorg ved norske institusjoner.

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Ancient Attraction is a Digital Lecture Series on Beauty, Attractiveness and Sex Appeal in the Ancient Mediterranean World

The lecture: Colourful Beauties: What the polychromy of funerary portraits can reveal about dress and appearance in ancient Palmyra is presented by Dr. Cecilie Brøns, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, Denmark