Semesteråpning høsten 2022

Det teologiske fakultet markerer åpningen av et nytt semester. Studenter og ansatte ønskes velkommen til semesteråpning og forelesning ved førsteamanuensis Elisabeth Tveito Johnsen!

Bildet kan inneholde: begivenhet, publikum, seminar, akademisk konferanse, offentlig tale.
Fra en tidligere semesteråpning. Foto: Mathias H. Eidberg.


Dekan Aud V. Tønnessen ønsker studenter og ansatte velkommen til et nytt semester.

Åpningsforelesning ved førsteamanuensis Elisabeth Tveito Johnsen: 

Ecclesial ‘online’ identities during the Covid-19 pandemic: Nordic Majority Churches on Facebook Christmas 2020.

Elisabeth Tveito Johnsen. Foto.
Førsteamanuensis Elisabeth Tveito Johnsen

The majority churches in Europe are paradoxically considered to be powerful and weak religious institutions. Their complex position in a secular society makes it important for them to communicate who they are to the public. The Covid-19 pandemic was a situation in which churches, and other religious institutions, were 'forced' to use digital media as a primary arena of outreach. This lecture investigates how three Nordic majority churches negotiated their ecclesial identities on Facebook during the first year of the Covid-19-pandemic in 2020. The following question is explored: Did 'online' enactments re-present their religious identities and core values in new ways to the public? The data material consists of material from the official Facebook pages of the Church of Norway, the Church of Sweden and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark (the ELCD), and interviews with Facebook editors. The study concludes that the churches’ 'online' identities are not new re-presentations, but rather intensified versions of their established 'offline' identities.

Forelesningen holdes på engelsk.

Etter forelesningen blir det enkel servering i foajeen på Det teologiske fakultet. 

Publisert 12. mai 2022 14:22 - Sist endret 10. aug. 2022 14:26