Semesteråpning høsten 2021

Åpningsforelesning ved professor Marianne Bjelland Kartzow: "Feelings, fiction and fake: Books and rumors of books in book religions."

Bilde av læringssenteret på Domus Theologica. Dekan Aud Tønnessen på talerstolen foran ansatte og studenter.

Fra en tidligere semesteråpning. Foto: Mathias H. Eidberg


Dekan Aud V. Tønnessen ønsker velkommen til nytt semester.

Åpningsforelesning ved professor Marianne Bjelland Kartzow:

Feelings, fiction and fake: Books and rumors of books in book religions.

Foto av Marianne Kartzow
Professor Marianne Bjelland Kartzow.

Books are useful to think with. In everyday life and in crises, books have been written and read, in order to search for meaning or authority. Some books, however, were never written; they were rather imagined or projected or merely talked about. They were still real. Some books are hidden, secret or dangerous. How can people’s relations to books tell us something about their believes, dreams, fears and hopes? In what ways do books mess up structures of gender, sex and death? When studying books and rumors of books in the New Testament and other early Christian texts, we see more complexity and nuances, helping us to rethink power, archival practices and feelings, related to sacred texts and religion.

Forelesningen holdes på engelsk.

Publisert 13. aug. 2021 18:01 - Sist endret 21. juni 2023 11:54