Transcendence and Sensoriness - Perceptions, Revelation, and the Arts

Redigert av: Svein Aage Christoffersen, Geir Hellemo, Leonora Onarheim, Nils Holger Petersen og Margunn Sandal

Fra forlagets nettside:

"Protestant theology and culture are known for a reserved, at times skeptical, attitude to the use of art and aesthetic forms of expression in a religious context. In Transcendence and Sensoriness, this attitude is analysed and discussed both theoretically and through case studies considered in a broad theological and philosophical framework of religious aesthetics. Nordic scholars of theology, philosophy, art, music, and architecture, discuss questions of transcendence, the human senses, and the arts in order to challenge established perspectives within the aesthetics of religion and theology."

Med artikler av:

Svein Aage Christoffersen, Geir Hellemo, Leonora Onarheim, Trond Skard Dokka og Margunn Sandal.


Utgitt på Brill.

Les intervju med Svein Aage Christoffersen om boken.


Publisert 15. sep. 2015 14:21 - Sist endret 12. nov. 2020 10:30