Preparing for Death, Remembering the Dead

Redigert av:

Tarald Rasmussen og Jon Øygarden Flæten

Fra forlagets nettside:

"The volume contains papers presented at the Second RefoRC Conference in Oslo in 2012, and is characterized by a multiconfessional and multidisciplinary approach, with contributions from Church History, Art History, Archaeology, History of Literature and Cultural History. Within a field of research dominated by specialized contributions (e.g. on ars moriendi traditions or on specific traditions of funeral monuments and funeral sermons), the broad approach of this volume may further stimulate to comparative and cross-confessional reflection."


Utgitt på Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht


Publisert 9. okt. 2015 15:31 - Sist endret 8. juni 2020 13:02