REDO gjesteforelesning og seminar

I forbindelse med REDO-forsker Jens Kreinath sitt gjesteopphold på Det teologiske fakultet arrangeres seminar og gjesteforelesning.


09.45: Kaffe og velkommen


Gjesteforelesning: Filming Rituals


10.00: Filmvisning – ”Le Maitres Fous” Jean Rouch (1955)


10.45: Lecture – Jens Kreinath, Associate Professor, Social Anthropology, Wichita State University, USA


”Filming rituals - Implications of Visual Culture for the Anthropological Study of Religion”


This lecture addresses theoretical and methodological issues in studying rituals through film. Even though anthropologists previously addressed the interrelation between film and ritual, such approaches in ritual theory and visual anthropology often dismiss the possibility to determine the ways in which the practice of filming rituals actually shapes the anthropological perception of religions as part of visual culture. This lecture outlines significant shifts that led to the visualization of religious culture through the use of ethnography to study ritual in primarily visual terms. Starting with the formation of the anthropological category of 'ritual' and the various uses of film in the earliest anthropological research on ritual to the approaches in visual  anthropology of religion, this lecture will provide a holistic point of view to reflect upon the formation of research paradigms in the anthropological study of religion and culture. The aim is to theorize namely how far this practice of visual documentation and representation is tied into the concept formation in anthropological approaches to religion. The overarching question is in how far was the delineation of ‘ritual’ as a field of study tied into the emergence of visual culture.


Respondent: Bruce Kapferer, Professor, Social Anthropology, University of Bergen


12.15: Lunch


Workshop: Filming Sacrifice


13.00: Screening – “Umemulo” Jone Salomonsen (2008)


13.30: Jan Ketil Simonsen, Associate Professor, Social Anthropology, NTNU opens the discussion: "Ethical Challenges in Filming Rituals: Perspectives from Anthropology"


13.45: Discussion


14.30: Coffee


Workshop: More Conceptual Considerations


14.45: Jone Salomonsen: “What about Breivik and Ritual/Sacrifice?”

15.00: Gitte Buch-Hansen, Associate Professor, Theology, KU: “What about the Eucharist and Ritual/Sacrifice?”

15.15: Bruce Kapferer: “Is Sacrifice Constitutive of Ritual?”

15.35 – 16.30: Discussion


17.30: Dinner


Åpent forelesning og seminar, registrering for lunsj og middag til



Publisert 10. apr. 2014 16:22 - Sist endret 16. mai 2014 13:44