Publikasjonar 2022-2023, Interreligiøse studiar og islamsk teologi


Safet Bectovic, Moral og etikk i islam, Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2023.

Nora S. Eggen: Kunnskap og tilhørighet, tilhørighet og kunnskap: Undervisning for barn og unge i Muslimsk Dialognettverks medlemsmoskeer i Oslo (rapport). Oslo: Muslimsk Dialognettverk, 2023.

Farhan Akrram Shah: "Muhammad Iqbal and he Openness of the Future. God, the Human Self and Eco-Theology in a Cosmos of Perpetual Belonging." Dissertation for the Degree of PhD 2023. Oslo: Faculty of Theology (Acta Theologica no. 92)

Amina Sijecic Selimovic: "Am I One of the People?" The Perception, Position, and Role of Women Theologians within the Islamic Community of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Dissertation for the Degree of PhD 2023. Oslo: Faculty of Theology (Acta Theologica no. 90)

Notto R. Thelle: Veiens visdom og vandringens poesi, Fire japanske vandrepoeter. Oslo: Verbum forlag.

Oddbjørn Leirvik: "Protestantisation of Islam – as Good, Humanistic Religion", s. 17 – 30, i Tarald Rasmussen and Vegard Ree Ytterbøe (eds.): Protestantism and Protestantization. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2023. 


Nora S. Eggen. “Vei, norm, lovsystem, etisk fundament eller læren om det gode liv? Shariabegrepet i Skandinavia.” Tidsskrift for islamforskning 16 (2022) 2, 21-48. 

Anne Hege Grung (red.) Complexities of Spiritual Care in Plural Societies. Education, Praxis and Concepts. Open Access. De Gruyter 2023. Kapitler ved bl.a. Anne Hege Grung ("Complexities of spiritual care in plural societies: An introduction"; Beret Bråten "The authority of Norwegian hospital chaplains"; Naveed Baig: "The Islamic theology behind spiritual care and hospital chaplaincy."

Notto R. Thelle: Karl Ludvig Reichelt - misjonær mellom øst og vest. Oslo: Verbum forlag, 2022.

Oddbjørn Leirvik: Religionskritikk på norsk. Kjempande humanisme. Oslo: Pax Forlag, 2022.

Anne Hege Grung; "Interreligious Studies and Gender. Critical Intersectional Feminist Perspectives.The Georgetown Companion to Interreligious Studies. Red. Lucinda Allen Mosher. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2022, pp. 168-175.

Oddbjørn Leirvik: "Interreligious Studies, Humanism, and Secularity. A Norwegian Case Study.”The Georgetown Companion to Interreligious Studies. Red. Lucinda Allen Mosher. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2022, pp. 222-231.

Vebjørn L. Horsfjord, Sven Thore Kloster, Gina Lende and Ole Jakob Løland: Global Christianity: Current Trends and Developments. Eugene, OR: Pickwick 2022.

Ingvild Flaskerud: “Religious Rituals’ Reflection of Current Social Conditions in the Middle East”, Anthropology of the Middle East. Topical Issue: Rituals and social conditions. Vol. 17. Issue 1. 2022, pp. 1-7.

Ingvild Flaskerud: «Twelver Shi‘a Pilgrimage – Ziyara.» I Oliver Leaman  (red). Routledge Handbook in Islamic Ritual and Practice. Routledge 2022.

Tonje Baugerud: "Borderland Bodies. Being and Becoming Hijabi in Contemporary Oslo." Oslo: Faculty of Theology. Acta Theologica no.84, 2022.

Oddbjørn Leirvik: "Islamsk universitetsteologi. Teologiske fakultet som hus med mange rom?" Kirke og Kultur 1: 2022, s. 52-65.


Publisert 25. mars 2022 12:58 - Sist endret 29. sep. 2023 11:23