Publikasjonar 2018, interreligiøse studiar og islamsk teologi

* vitskapleg / fagfellevurdert


*Helge Årsheim: Making Religion and Human Rights at the United Nations. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2018.



*Ingvild Flaskerud og Oddbjørn Leirvik: “The Study of Islam between University Theology and Lived Religion. Introductory Reflections.” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 4: 2018, s. 413-427.

*Nora S. Eggen: "From Handmaiden of Theology to Handmaiden of Area Studies: Philological Approaches to Arabic-Islamic Studies in Norway." Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 4: 2018, s. 445-464.

*Ingvild Flaskerud: "'Street Theology': Vernacular Theology and Muslim Youth in Norway". Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 4: 2018, s. 485-507.

*Oddbjørn Leirvik: “Interreligious University Theologies, Christian/Islamic.” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 4: 2018, s. 509-523.

*Anne Hege Grung: “Negotiating Gender Justice between State, Religion and NGOs: A Lebanese Case”, in Religions, 9, 175, 2018.

*Nora S. Eggen: “A book burner or not? History and myth: Revisiting al-Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ and the controversies over al-Ghazālī in the Islamic West.” Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 2018 18, 87-109.  

*Nora S. Eggen: “’Profetenes arvinger’: Oppfatninger om lærdes autoritet i arabisk-islamsk middelalder.” Babylon 2018 1, 22–33.

*Safet Bektovic: "European Islam in the Light of the Bosnian Experience", in Exploring the Multitude of Muslims in Europe, Eds Vinding, Racius and Thielmann, Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers 2018,13 s.

*Helge Årsheim: "Protestantisering og protestantisme: Kilden til demokratisering. økonomisk utvikling og rettslig orden?" Kirke og Kultur 1: 2018, s. 16-33.

*Helge Årsheim: "Including and Excluding Indigenous Religion through Law." Numen 2018 ;Volum 65.(5-6) s. 531-561.

*Sven Thore Kloster: "Midtøsten - når mosaikken slår sprekker" og "Globalisert kristendom i Norge", i Horsfjord, Kloster, Lende og Løland (red.) Global kristendom. En samtidshistorie, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2018, s.117-150 og 243-263.

*Vebjørn Laamanen Horsfjord: "The Marrakesh Declaration on Rights of Religious Minorities: Opportunity or Dead End?", in Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 36:2, 2018, 151-166.

Publisert 10. des. 2018 13:41 - Sist endret 11. des. 2019 12:58