Konferanse: Parables and their Reception

26. -28. september kommer internasjonale lignelseseksperter til Oslo for å delta i  lignelseskonferansen Parables and their Reception (PR).

Det blir et spennende program i Stallen i Professorboligen (Karl Johans gate 47) med 17 20-minutters presentasjoner av aktuell lignelsesforskning med påfølgende samtaler.

Konferansen arrangers i samarbeid mellom OsloMet og Universitetet i Oslo.

Er du interessert i å bli med på hele eller deler av konferansen, ta kontakt med Ellen Aasland Reinertsen.


Monday Sept 26th

  • 12.00. Lunch and welcome
  • 13.00. Opening lecture with presentation: Marianne Bjelland Kartzow
  • 13.30. Mary Ann Beavis: The Prodigal Goes to the Movies: Three Cinematic Retellings
  • 14.15. Kasper Bro Larsen: Rembrandt’s Reception of The Good Samaritan and Goethe’s Reception of Rembrandt: An Experiment in Visual Parable Exegesis
  • 15.00. Break with snacks
  • 15.30. Louise Heldgaard Bylund: Change of Audience. Change of Contexts. Change of Parallels. Change of Meaning? The Retelling of Parables in Contemporary Scandinavian Children’s Bibles
  • 16.15. Karin B. Neutel: Reception in Politics and the Politics of Reception  
  • 17.00. Break
  • 17.15. Annette Merz: Bibliodrama as reception of the parable of the so-called lost son
  • 18.00. We leave for dinner

Tuesday Sept 27th

  • 09.00. Coffee
  • Rikard Roitto: The Parable in the Preacher’s Mind: What Blending Theory Teaches Us About What Education a Preacher Needs  
  • 09.45. Justin Strong: The Past, Present, and Future of “Parables” in the Fable Context 
  • 10.30. Break
  • 10.45. Ruben Zimmermann: "Let both of them grow." - Biodiversity in Matthew: An Eco-hermeneutical Reading of the Parable of the Wheats among the Weeds (Matt 13:24-30)  
  • 11.30. Niilo Lahti: Processing the Parables as Argumentation – Matthew 24–25 as a Test Case 
  • 12.15. Lunch
  • 14.00. Charel D. du Toit: The Friend at Midnight: A ‘realistic’ reading as feminist tool  
  • 14.45. Break with snacks
  • 15.00. Katri Antin: Always Topical: Parables as Divine Speech
  • 15.45: Martijn Stoutjesdijk: Slavery Parables in Dutch Colonial History. Evidence of Jesus’ Indifference towards Slaves? 
  • 16.30. Anders Martinsen: The Lost Context: why Slavery Disappeared from the Parables.
  • 17.15. End of program
  • 18.00.  Conference dinner

Wednesday Sept 28th

  • 09.00. Coffee
  • Presentation: Albertina Oegema: Filial Masculinities in Tannaitic Parables  
  • 09.45. Presentation: Konrad Schwarz: Sowing on Good Soil: Parabolic Stories of the Sower and the Seed in Second-Century Christian Literature 
  • 10.30. Pause
  • 10.45. Coffee
  • Nathan Eubank: Parable Scholarship’s Myth of Origins  
  • 11.30. Ellen Aasland Reinertsen: Intersectional Carousels in Contemporary Parable Research
  • 12.15 Lunch
  • 13.00. Fare well
Publisert 9. sep. 2022 16:53 - Sist endret 13. sep. 2022 14:26