Tidligere forskningsarrangementer - Side 3

Tid og sted: , Zoom-seminar

Ancient Attraction is a Digital Lecture Series on Beauty, Attractiveness and Sex Appeal in the Ancient Mediterranean World

The lecture: Guests, Gods, Heroes and Heirarchs: The Fragrant Few of Mycenaean Pylos is presented by Dr. Mary Jane Cuyler, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, Oslo, Norway

Tid og sted: , Zoom-seminar

Ancient Attraction is a Digital Lecture Series on Beauty, Attractiveness and Sex Appeal in the Ancient Mediterranean World

The lecture: Masculinity and beauty in Mesopotamia is presented by Dr. Omar N’Shea, Senior Lecturer, University of Malta

Tid og sted: , Domus Theologica, U214

Due to corona-related travel restrictions the Mowinckel lecture and Mowinckel seminar have been postponed until the fall of 2021. A new date will be announced as soon as possible.


The first part of the lecture proposes a brief presentation of the recent scholarly discussion about the Abraham narrative, pointing out that pre-priestly traditions can only be identified in quite a few texts, which can hardly be read as a cohesive narrative.  Based on literary and historical observations.

Tid og sted: , Domus Theologica

Due to corona-related travel restrictions the Mowinckel lecture and Mowinckel seminar have been postponed until the fall of 2021. A new date will be announced as soon as possible.


The lecture will focus on the importance of the Ark (of God, of Yhwh, of the Covenant) in the Hebrew Bible and more specifically on the so-called Ark narrative in the books of Samuel.

Tid og sted: , Zoom-seminar

Ancient Attraction is a Digital Lecture Series on Beauty, Attractiveness and Sex Appeal in the Ancient Mediterranean World

The lecture: Gender and Beauty in the Hebrew Bible is presented by Dr. Hanna Tervanotko, McMaster University, Canada

Tid og sted: , Domus Theologica, U40

Det teologiske fakultet inviterer til avskjedsseminar for professor Trygve Wyller.

Tid og sted: , Zoom-seminar

Ancient Attraction is a Digital Lecture Series on Beauty, Attractiveness and Sex Appeal in the Ancient Mediterranean World.

The lecture: Goddesses as Exemplars for the Beauty and Power of Neo-Assyrian Queens is presented by Dr. Amy Gansell, St. John’s University, New York City, USA

Tid og sted: , Webinar

Forskningsprosjektet "Sted, rom og praksis: Gudstjenester folk vil ha" har de siste to årene forsket på menigheter som har økt oppslutning om sine gudstjenester. En del av økningen skyldes at menighetene legger til rette for dåp i flere gudstjenester.

Tid og sted: , Domus Theologica, U40

Det teologiske fakultet markerer at Tarald Rasmussen har gått av med pensjon. Rasmussens forelesning etterfølges av en mottagelse.

Tid og sted: , Webinar

Forskningsprosjektet "Sted, rom og praksis: Gudstjenester folk vil ha" har de siste to årene forsket på "Gudstjenester folk vil ha". I dette forskningsprosjektet har de undersøkt menigheter som har høy oppslutning om sine gudstjenester.

Tid og sted: , Snertingdal prestegård (Præstgar´n)

– Hjerneforskningen er som et fiskegarn. Den fanger bare opp det forskerne leter etter. Og den går glipp av det aller vesentligste, mener Marius Timmann Mjaaland.

Tid og sted: , Latter, Aker Brygge

Tirsdag 22. september står TF-stipendiat Emil Junge Nielsen Busch på hovedscenen på Latter, Aker Brygge, og konkurrerer om å bli den beste forskningsformidleren i Oslo med sin presentasjon «Når er du død?»

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Gladys Ekone Wang will defend her doctoral dissertation: “Childlessness in Marriage among the Bakossi Community in Cameroon: An African Feminist Contextual Pastoral Theology of Procreation”, for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the Faculty of Theology.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

"Contextual African Bible Hermeneutics: A critical assessment of aspects related to gender and culture."

Tid og sted: , Zoom-seminar

In the scriptural traditions of the three ‘Abrahamic’ religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, nature is created by God. Nature as divine creation and human beings’ use and maintenance of it have played an important role in these three religious traditions from ancient times until today, and it has impacted the theological and ethical thinking, and religious practice of these three monotheistic religions.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium U40, Domus Theologica

Ingrid Staurheim vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. under Det teologiske fakultet: "Kirkebygg og identitet. En religionssosiologisk undersøkelse av folks forhold til kirkebygget belyst gjennom reaksjoner på (to) kirkebranner"

Tid og sted: , Domus Theologica, auditorium U40

Ingrid Staurheim avholder prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne.

Tid og sted: , Zoom-seminar

Tittel på prøveundervisning: Dialog og profesjonelle samtaler i et tros- og livssynspluralt samfunn. En introduksjon.

Tid og sted: , Zoom-seminar

In the scriptural traditions of the three ‘Abrahamic’ religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, nature is created by God. Nature as divine creation and human beings’ use and maintenance of it have played an important role in these three religious traditions from ancient times until today, and it has impacted the theological and ethical thinking, and religious practice of these three monotheistic religions.

Tid og sted: , Teologisk bibliotek

Hvorfor bryr filosofene seg om teologi? Og hva er det som er så verdifullt for filosofene som velger å hente motiver og tankefigurer fra teologiens arv og arkiv?

Tid og sted: , Faculty Library, Domus Theologica, Blindernveien 9

The architecture of the Constantinian Church of the Holy Sepulchre was both a receptacle for Jesus tradition as well as a vehicle for the transmission of ideological interpretations of that tradition and the person that it commemorated. It was a bifocal complex, incorporating the traditional sites of Golgotha and the tomb of Jesus in its layout.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium U40, Domus Theologica, Blindernveien 9

Sven Thore Kloster will defend his doctoral dissertation: "Towards an Agonistic Theology. A Political Reading of the Concepts of Tradition in the Christian Theologies of Gerhard Ebeling and Kathryn Tanner," for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the Faculty of Theology.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium U40, Domus Theologica, Blindernveien 9

"The Contribution of Agonistic Theology to Contemporary Ecclesiology."

Tid og sted: , Domus Theologica, U214

Welcome to this open guest lecture with Professor Christoph W. Stenschke, University of South Africa

Tid og sted: , Auditorium U40, Domus Theologica, Blindernveien 9

Rosemarie van den Breemer will defend her doctoral dissertation: "Governing Cemeteries: State Responses to the New Diversity in The Netherlands, Norway and France" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the Faculty of Theology.