Tidligere forskningsarrangementer - Side 2

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Ancient Attire is a Digital Lecture Series on Dress, Adornment and Vestimentary Codes in the Ancient Mediterranean World.

This lecture is presented by Dr. Mary Harlow

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Ancient Attire is a Digital Lecture Series on Dress, Adornment and Vestimentary Codes in the Ancient Mediterranean World.

This lecture is presented by Dr. Søren Lorenzen

Tid og sted: , Room 305, Domus Theologica

What does it mean to read 'a Bible'? Change as an Essential Ingredient of the New Testament

Tid og sted: , Faculty Library, Domus Theologica

Are There Ancient Editions of Paul's Letters? The Euthalian Apparatus as a Storehouse of Tradition.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Ancient Attire is a Digital Lecture Series on Dress, Adornment and Vestimentary Codes in the Ancient Mediterranean World.

This lecture is presented by Dr. Laura Quick

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Ancient Attire is a Digital Lecture Series on Dress, Adornment and Vestimentary Codes in the Ancient Mediterranean World.

This lecture is presented by Dr. Rosalind Janssen

Tid og sted: , Teologisk bibliotek

The Oslo Lectures in New Testament and Early Christian Studies proudly presents Dr. Chris Keith, Research Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at St Mary's University, Twickenham and Research Professor of Theology at The University of Notre Dame Autralia.

Tid og sted: , U40

Dr. Hanna Tervanotko from McMaster University in Canada visits the Research Group, Biblical Texts, Cultures and Receptions.

Tid og sted: , Faculty Library, Domus Theologica, Blindernveien 9

Thunder, Voice, and Fire: Ephemeral Archives, Sonic Residues, and a Virgin's Visions in Late Antiquity

Tid og sted: , U40 and zom

Tonje Baugerud will defend her doctoral dissertation: “Borderland Bodies: Being and Becoming Hijabi in Contemporary Oslo”, for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the Faculty of Theology.

Tid og sted: , U40 and zoom

"Conceptual and empirical reflections on the migration histories, settlement patterns, demographics and contested politics experienced and negotiated by Muslims in Norway in general and Oslo in particular."

Tid og sted: , Via Zoom

Helena Schmidt will defend her doctoral dissertation: “Eating No-Bodies: The paradox of disembodied hospitality. Looking through the meal lens at diaconal hospitality and embodied citizenship in Oslo”, for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the Faculty of Theology.

Tid og sted: , via zoom

"Researcher as Citizen: Embodiment, acts, and mobility in diaconal spaces of hospitality"

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Eir Andreas Ihlang Berg will defend their doctoral dissertation: “Becoming Queer Christians in Indecency. Exploring Queer Theologies of Peripheries”, for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the Faculty of Theology.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

What is theology? The relationship between systematic, practical and queer theologies.

Tid og sted: , U40

Kaja Hagen will defend her doctoral dissertation: ““O holy cross, you are all our help and comfort”. Wonderworking Crosses and Crucifixes in Late Medieval and Early Modern Norway.”, for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the Faculty of Theology.

Tid og sted: , U 40

"The Power of Sacred Objects in Late Medieval and Early Modern Norway"

Tid og sted: , Domus Theologica, U214

The first part of the lecture proposes a brief presentation of the recent scholarly discussion about the Abraham narrative, pointing out that pre-priestly traditions can only be identified in a few texts, which can hardly be read as a cohesive narrative. This presentation is based on literary and historical observations.

Tid og sted: , Faculty Library, Domus Theologica

The lecture will focus on the importance of the Ark (of God, of Yhwh, of the Covenant) in the Hebrew Bible and more specifically on the so-called Ark narrative in the books of Samuel.

Tid og sted: , Faculty Library, Domus Theologica, Blinderveien 9

Ass. Prof. Petra Carlsson Redell, Stockholm School of Theology will give this years Aasta Hansteen Lecture on Gender and Religion

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Meshack Edward Njinga will defend his doctoral dissertation: “The Kingdom of God and the Poor: The Bible Reading of the Economically Underprivileged Christians in Tanzania”, for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the Faculty of Theology.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Situating Contextual Bible Study in the landscape of Critical Biblical Hermeneutics: Drinking from the wells of scholarship offered by African Women's Theologians and insights from African Biblical Hermeneutics.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

David Stiles-Ocran will defend his doctoral dissertation: “Constructing A Heterotopic Christian Social Practice In Ghana”, for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the Faculty of Theology.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Exploring liberative notions of diaconia and Christian Social Practice from the perspective of the Global South

Tid og sted: , Zoom-seminar

Ancient Attraction is a Digital Lecture Series on Beauty, Attractiveness and Sex Appeal in the Ancient Mediterranean World

The lecture: Colourful Beauties: What the polychromy of funerary portraits can reveal about dress and appearance in ancient Palmyra is presented by Dr. Cecilie Brøns, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, Denmark