Events - Page 7

Time and place: , House of Literature, Utøya Island and The 22 July Centre

Open invitation to a three day conference on democracy, memory, extremism and ritual post July 22.

Time and place: , Room U305

​Guest researcher at The Faculty of Theology spring 2015, Professor Sarah M. Pike, California State University, Chico., talks about her REDO project: For the Wild: Precarious Bodies and Ritual Protest in Radical Environmentalism

Time and place: , University of Kwazulu-Natal

The second workshop under GOBA project II: Formatting Religion Beyond the State will be held at the University of Kwazulu-Natal in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

Time and place: , Domus Theologica

Nordic/international workshop on Islamic university theology and lived religion under GOBA project I:Private Religion, Public Affairs  .

Time and place: , Domus Theologica

Exploratory workshop under GOBA project II: Formatting Religion Beyond the State 

Time and place: , DogA - The Norwegian Centre for Design and Architecture

October 20 - 22, REDO invites young adults in Oslo to take part in the participatory research project "July 22. Examined".

Time and place: , U40, Domus Theologica

Open guest lecture by Dr. Marion S. Grau

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Aud. 4

REDO researcher Jens Kreinath will give a lecture on interrituality at the University of Oslo.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Aud. 4

May 26, REDO will host a guest lecture and seminar on the topics filming rituals and sacrifice.

Time and place: , Room 305, TF

Samuel Etikpah (PhD-candicate at the Faculty of Theology) will present a draft article related to his previous MPhil dissertation and his ongoing PhD project "Kundum and Mother River Festivals: Ritual, Interreligious Relations and Community Development in southwestern Ghana."

Time and place: , Granavolden Gjæstgiveri
Time and place: , Utstein, Norway

The Research project ‘Death in Early Protestant Tradition’ invites to a concluding conference in beautiful surroundings at Utstein Monastery, located at the southwest coast of Norway. 

Time and place: , Room 305

Early Modern Oratio Funebris and the funeralsermon

Time and place: , Stockholm

In collaboration with dr. Otfried Czaika at the National Library of Sweden, the project arranged an excursion to selected libraries and churches.


Time and place: , TF, room 305

The project "Death in Early Protestant Tradition" invites to a half day seminar, followed by lunch.

Time and place: , TF, room 309


How to understand the early protestant funeral sermon genre in relation to the Ars Moriendi genre? How to understand the differences between danish and german funeral sermons?



"Holy life and holy death. Changing conceptions of holiness in the reformation"



"The Early Modern Pastor between Ideal and Reality / Der frühneuzeitliche Pfarrer zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit"

Time and place: , Rom 305, TF

Presentation of the papers held by Oslo-located projectmemebers at the second RefoRC conference in May.


In collaboration with 1. am Øystein Ekroll (Nidaros Domkirkes Restaureringsarbeider), the project arranged an excursion to selected churces at Sunnmøre.


Discussion on two funeralsermons written by danish Niels Hemmingsen and norwegian Jens Nielssøn.


Discussion on Niels Hemmingsen; "Et visst og fast tegn hvor paa hver kand kjenne seg selv hvad han er Guds barn eller ey" (1577) .

Time and place: , BL29 214 Rom

Apocalyptism in early protestant culture.

Introduction by Sivert Angel and Eivor Oftestad.

A reading of Niels Palladius: Om dommedagen (1575)