E-learning course on data protection

The e-learning course on data protection is designed to ensure good compliance with data protection regulations in research.

Who is required to take the course

All academic staff at the Faculty of Theology must complete an e-learning course on data protection. New employees must take the course no later than 3 months after appointment. 

For PhD candidates, the course is a compulsory part of the research ethics course in research training.

The course is also included as coursework in the students’ methodology course.

About the course

The course will provide a basic overview of the requirements that apply to researchers and students. It is based on EU data protection regulations (GDPR) and consists of four modules:

  • Module 1 deals with basic terms and expressions
  • Module 2 focuses on fundamental principles within data protection legislation
  • Module 3 focuses on obligations and responsibilities when processing data about other people
  • Module 4 presents data protection cases from the academic community for a more practical approach to the subject matter

The course is conducted in Canvas. The course takes 2-3 hours to complete and concludes with a data protection quiz. The results from the quiz are stored in Canvas, showing whether you have passed or failed the course. You can take the test several times.

How to gain access?

Participants who are not already in Canvas can register themselves via Nettskjema. If you are going to take the course and can’t find it in Canvas, contact forskningsadministrasjon@teologi.uio.no. 

Who gets access to what?

As a participant, you only get to see your own result. The participant list and overall results are visible only to the course administrators. A summary will show administrators who completed the course (by taking the final test) and how many points they have scored. 

UiO pages on data protection

Published July 22, 2022 10:33 AM - Last modified July 26, 2022 10:42 AM