REDO Guest Lectures and Seminars - Jens Kreinath and Bruce Kapferer

Jens Kreinath will be visiting scholar at the University of Oslo May and June. In addition to guest lectures, REDO is hosting seminars on film, rituals and sacrifice, with Bruce Kapferer.

The program for Jens Kreinath's guest stay at the Faculty of Theology is materializing. He will give guest lectures, participate in seminars with other REDO researchers, and respond to Samuel Etikpah's Maestro seminar.

Kreinath is Associate Professor of Social Anthropology at Wichita State University, working on interrituality in Turkey. In the lectures and seminars he will present his approach to religion and rituals, based on his research on the Antakya Choir of Civilizations in Turkey.


May 26

10.15-12.00 Guest Lecture:

"Filming rituals - Implications of Visual Culture for the Anthropological Study of Religion"

Respondent: Bruce Kapferer, Professor of Social Anthropology, UiB

12.30-16.00 REDO Seminar: Rituals, Sacrifice, Ethnographic Film

Screening of ethnographic film, presentations on sacrifice and rituals.

With: Bruce Kapferer, Jan Simonsen (NTNU), Gitte Buch-Hansen (University of Copenhagen), Jone Salomonsen and more.

May 27

09.15-13.00 REDO seminar on ethnography and empirical methods.

With REDO researcers.


June 5

10.15-12.00 Guest Lecture:

"Interrituality and the Economies of Religious Exchange: A New Approach to the Study of Interreligious Encounters in Turkey and the Middle East"

Respondent: Ingvild Flaskerud, Post.doc., Faculty of Theology, UiO.



13.15-15.00 Maestro-seminar

REDO Phd. Samuel Etikpah presents his Phd. dissertation "Kundum and Mother River Festivals of Ghana: Exploring Ritual, Interreligious Relations and Community Development"

Respondent: Jens Kreinath


Published Apr. 11, 2014 10:56 AM - Last modified Jan. 27, 2015 1:44 PM