Previous events

Time and place: , University of California Berkeley

This collaborative workshop between scholars at the University of Oslo, University of California, Berkeley, and Graduate Theological Union will focus on questions concerning ritual and the other-than-human world in the context of environmental change.

Time and place: , Domus Theologica, Blindernveien 9, Auditorium U40

Samuel Etikpah will defend his doctoral dissertation: "The Kundum And Mother River Festivals: Exploring Ritual, Interreligious Collaboration And Community Development In Jomoro, Ghana"  for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at the Faculty of Theology.

Time and place: , House of Literature, Utøya Island and The 22 July Centre

Open invitation to a three day conference on democracy, memory, extremism and ritual post July 22.

Time and place: , Room U305

​Guest researcher at The Faculty of Theology spring 2015, Professor Sarah M. Pike, California State University, Chico., talks about her REDO project: For the Wild: Precarious Bodies and Ritual Protest in Radical Environmentalism

Time and place: , DogA - The Norwegian Centre for Design and Architecture

October 20 - 22, REDO invites young adults in Oslo to take part in the participatory research project "July 22. Examined".

Time and place: , U40, Domus Theologica

Open guest lecture by Dr. Marion S. Grau

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Aud. 4

REDO researcher Jens Kreinath will give a lecture on interrituality at the University of Oslo.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Aud. 4

May 26, REDO will host a guest lecture and seminar on the topics filming rituals and sacrifice.

Time and place: , Room 305, TF

Samuel Etikpah (PhD-candicate at the Faculty of Theology) will present a draft article related to his previous MPhil dissertation and his ongoing PhD project "Kundum and Mother River Festivals: Ritual, Interreligious Relations and Community Development in southwestern Ghana."

Time and place: , Granavolden Gjæstgiveri