Noncanonical Texts and Monastic Manuscript Culture: New Frontiers

The 2016 NEWCONT Workshop

13-14 December, 2016

Tuesday, 13 December (U205)


0900-0930 Welcome

Session One (Christian Bull presiding)

0930-1015 Hugo Lundhaug (Oslo), “The Relationship Between the Nag Hammadi Codices and the Dishna Papers”

1015-1100 Lance Jenott (Oslo), “The Nachleben of Nag Hammadi Texts in Egyptian Christianity”


1100-1115 Coffee Break


Session Two (Hugo Lundhaug presiding)

1115-1200 Stephen Emmel (Münster), “Scribal Corrections in Nag Hammadi Codex III: What Can They Tell Us about the Book's Reader(s)?”

1200-1245 Jens Schröter (Berlin), Reading the Gospel of Thomas with the Monks: Asceticism and Spirituality in NHC II,2


1245-1345 Lunch


Session Three (Tilde Bak presiding)

1345-1430 Emiliano Fiori (Berlin), “The Suffering Leader: A Pachomian Context for the Apocalypse of Paul?”

1430-1450 David Tibet (Hastings), “The IFAO-folios of the Investiture of Michael


1450-1500 Coffee Break


Session Four (René Falkenberg presiding)

1500-1545 Alin Suciu (Göttingen), “The Use of Apocryphal Sources in the Ascetical Writings of Paul of Tamma and Stephen of Thebes: Context and Relevance”

1545-1630 Christian Askeland (Marion, Ind./Oklahoma City), “The Myth of the Scriptorium”


1630-1645 Coffee Break

Session Five (Lance Jenott presiding)

1645-1705 Paula Tutty (Oslo), “Monks, Materiality, and Manuscripts”

1705-1730 Looking Ahead


Wednesday 14 December (U205)


Session One (Tilde Bak presiding)

0900-0945 Victor Ghica (Oslo), “The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles: Redactional History and Model of Apotaxis

0945-1030 Anna Usacheva (Aarhus), Textual Criticism of Homeric Scholarship and the Exegetic Manufacture of Origen


1030-1045 Coffee Break


Session Two (Paula Tutty presiding)

1045-1105 Paul Linjamaa (Lund), “Origen and the Tripartite Tractate on the debate over Free Will”

1105-1125 Kristine Toft Rosland (Oslo), “The Apocryphon of John Understood Through the Frame-Narrative”

1125-1145 Petter Spjut (Uppsala) “The marginalization of Pistis Sophia in previous research”

1145-1205 Lloyd Abercrombie (Oslo), “Coptic Revelation Dialogues from Nag Hammadi to Early Islam: An Introduction”


1205-1315 Lunch


Session Three (Hugo Lundhaug presiding)

1315-1400 Christian Bull (Oslo), “Ritual Realism in the Visionary Ascent of the Discourse of the Eighth and the Ninth

1400-1445 René Falkenberg (Aarhus), Manichaean Monasticism in Egypt?


Published Dec. 20, 2016 11:02 AM - Last modified Dec. 20, 2016 11:02 AM