Jewish perspective on the death of Jesus at Litteraturhuset (House of Literature) 29 March 2009.

In Norway, little is known about Jewish perspective on Jesus' death. Therefore, the project Jesus in Cultural Complexity presents Jewish Jesus images on 29th March at the House of Literature: 14-16.  

In this seminar we will focus on the death of Jesus. It is a central theme in the Christian faith, whether in art, music and literature. This time however, we will discuss Jewish interpretations of Jesus' death. Especially because of the old accusation that "the Jews killed Jesus", this has been a conflicting issue. We want to highlight some Jewish views on this issue and let Jewish voices be heard.



"Crucifixion images of Marc Chagall." Associate Professor Ruth Daniels, Østfold University College, presents Chagall's many images of Jesus' crucifixion, that are located in Jewish contexts, and view these in the context of Chaim Potok books about growing up as a Jew in New York in the postwar period.

"Jesus' death according to Jewish historians." Professor Halvor Moxnes, Theological Faculty, University of Oslo, discusses Jewish researchers' interpretation of Jesus' death.


Published Feb. 5, 2009 12:59 PM - Last modified Nov. 10, 2010 12:56 PM