
Published Apr. 18, 2011 2:20 PM

Pasolini's "Il Vangelo secondo Matteo" is shown on Holy Thursday in the Culture Church Jakob, in Oslo, at Thursday April 21th, 07 PM.  

Prof. Halvor Moxnes provides an introduction to the film. This introduction will also be printed in the /research/news-and-events/newspaper "Klassekampen" Wednesday 20. april.

Published Apr. 18, 2011 2:00 PM

In the holy days of Easter (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Monday) Halvor Moxnes is a guest at the radio show "Ekko", at NRK P2 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM. 

In these programs the different events and themes related to the different days of Easter will be discussed.  

Published Nov. 8, 2010 12:44 PM

On the 20th of October 2010 Halvor Moxnes presented his lecture on the role of Jesus in 19th Century Nationalism, at Emmanuel College, University of Toronto.

Published Oct. 30, 2010 4:56 PM

For the first time at the University of Oslo, and probably at any university in Norway, Jesus and Mohammed and their role in the formation of modern identities will be studied as a part of the same course. The course is held at the Theological Faculty under the auspices of the master-level program: Religion and Society.  

Published Oct. 30, 2010 4:53 PM

The Church of Norway has a policy of zero-tolerance concerning racially motivated discrimination. However; women and gays seem to be representing a totally different category, one not enveloped by the same prohibition on discrimination.  

Published Oct. 30, 2010 4:48 PM

 Leif E. Vaage is visiting professor in the projct Jesus in Cultrual Complexity January-March 2009.

He teaches New Testament literature and exegesis at Emmanuel College and the Toronto School of Theology. He also teaches every year at the Universidad Bíblica Latinoamericana Recinto Lima in Perú (South America).

Vaage is the author of Galilean Upstarts: Jesus’ First Followers According to Q and, editor of, Religious Rivalries in the Early Roman Empire and the Rise of Christianity, and together with V. Wimbush, Asceticism and the New Testament.

Published July 11, 2008 12:01 PM

 Cand.theol. Annhild Tofte Arnevik er ansatt som stipendiat på prosjektet Jesus in Cultural Complexity fra august 2008. Hennes forskningsområde vil primært være moderne Jesusbilder i kulturell kompleksitet.