Informal lunch

We would like to invite students – who (in the long term) might be interested in writing their thesis in New Testament Studies – for an informal lunch.

During the last decade, the so-called ‘turn toward the (real) reader’ has reformed New Testament Studies profoundly. Of course, New Testament Studies is still a historical discipline that tries to come to terms with the social life of early Christian communities and their understanding of key theological concepts. Yet today New Testament Studies can no longer be identified with this historical enterprise alone. We are also interested in how the biblical texts have been used up through history – and are used today – to construct and challenge social identity. This means that the discipline must be open to interdisciplinary studies; within the classical theological disciplines, but also within the humanities: film, gender studies, philosophy, art, politics, social science etc. – only the use of the bible ends the line.


The meeting will inform about New Testament Studies and the formal possibilities for interdisciplinary theses at the faculty. In addition, we would like to set up a group in which students can prepare their theses in cooperation with each other and with us.  


If you would like to join the lunch, please inform

Marianne Kartzow:

Gitte Buch-Hansen:

no later than Friday 11.12.09. 

Published Feb. 24, 2010 12:53 PM - Last modified Sep. 28, 2010 3:09 PM