Jesus in Cultural Complexity - Concluding seminar

“The Many Faces of Jesus. Memories and identities - Challenges and complexities.”

Monday October 10.

Room 1133,  Niels Henrik Abels hus, Moltke Moes vei 35.

9:30 Coffee.

9:45 Introduction to the seminar by Marianne Bjelland Kartzow and Halvor Moxnes.


Section 1: Constructions of Jesus- Political implications

10:15 James Crossley, University of Sheffield, UK, "The Liberal Jesus and the Multicultural Christ: By-products, Reactions and Symptoms of an Age of Neoliberalism."
11.00 Discussion.
11:45 Lunch.


Section 2: Putting the Jesus movement in its place or de-centralising Jesus

13:00-14:30 Marianne Bjelland Kartzow, University of Oslo, Norway, “Jesus and Beyond: Methodological Reflections.”
Jennifer Glancy, Le Moyne College, Syracuse, NY, USA, "Other Questions, Other Christians: The ’Acts of Thomas’ in Cultural Complexity."
14:30-14:45 Break.
14:45-16:15 Denise Buell, Williams College, Williamstown, MA, USA, “Cultural and Temporal Complexities of Remembering Jesus: Engaging the Submerged Legacies of Spiritualists, Occultist, and Theosophists.”
Pieter Botha, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South-Africa, “Locating some bodies: the rhetoric and memory of places in the early Jesus movement.”
16:15 Coffee


Section 3: Book launch; Jesus and the Rise of Nationalism.

Room U40, Domus Theologica, Blindernvn. 9.

17:00- 18:30 Discussion with Halvor Moxnes: Jesus and the Rise of Nationalism. A new quest for the nineteenth century historical Jesus. I.B.Tauris, 2012.
Panel: Ward Blanton, University of Glasgow, Great Britain;  Leif Vaage, Emmanuel College in the University of Toronto, Canada;  Aud Tønnessen, University of Oslo, Norway; Alex Wright, I.B. Tauris. Click here for more information on the book launch.


Tuesday 11. October

Venue: Theological Faculty, Blinderveien 9, U40.

(Combined with continuing education course for pastors)


09:00-09:15 Coffee.


Section 4: Jesus –perspectives from the margins

9:15–09:30 Short introduction and special welcome to new participants!

09:30-10:30 Halvor Moxnes, University of Oslo, Norway, ”Jesus beyond nationalism – in light of terrorism."

10:30-10:45 Break.

10:45-12:15 Loreen Maseno, Maseno University, Kenya, “Many faces of Jesus: A perspective from Christian widows in rural Kenya.”
Elia Mligo, Njombe University College, Tanzania, "Jesus, a compassionate companion: Christological reflections from below."

12:15-13:15 Luncheon.


Section 5:  Nils A. Dahl 100th anniversary lecture

13:15 N.A.Dahl lecture: "Jesus the Jewish Christ." Paula Fredriksen, Boston University, USA.

14.30-16.00 Seminar with Paula Fredriksen. Respondent, Jone Salomonsen, University of Oslo, Norway. You may prepare for the seminar by reading Fredriksens article "What does Jesus have to do with Christ?".

16:30 Reception. Celebration of  the 100-anniversary of the birth of N.A. Dahl, and of the completion of the research project Jesus in Cultural Complexity.


Wednesday 12. October:

9:00-12:00 Seminar for Nordic PHD students (Room 202, Domus Theologica).

PhD-students who want to present papers should contact Øyvind Norderval, Coordinator of the  PhD-programme ( before September 20.
Main respondent is Dr. Ward Blanton, Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow (see
Jesus, Muhammad og norske identiteter.


19.00-21.00 Lansering på Litteraturhuset, Nedjma.

Lansering av Kirke og Kulturs nr. 3/2011, et temanummer i samarbeid med prosjektet ”Jesus in Cultural Complexity.” For første gang ser kristne og muslimske forfattere i Norge sammen på religiøse identifikasjonsskikkelser.

Published Sep. 14, 2011 7:46 AM - Last modified Sep. 14, 2011 8:01 AM