Workshop: Religious welfare on the margins

The second workshop under GOBA project II: Formatting Religion Beyond the State will be held at the University of Kwazulu-Natal in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

UKZN logo. Illustration: Wikimedia Commons

The second workshop of subproject II, Religious Welfare on the Margins will have two parts. The first part features the presentation of papers from the forthcoming anthology Spaces of Others, to be published by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in 2016.

The second part will feature the development of the new subproject Borders and Religion Crossing Borders. Perspectives on Protestantization, (Space, Formation and Citizenship), in an initial effort to prepare papers for publication in Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice.


Papers to be presented at the Borders and Religion Crossing Borders segment of the programme:

Trygve Wyller (University of Oslo): How to post-colonialize discussions on Protestantization? [download abstract]

Federico Settler (University of Kwazulu-Natal): Disruption and Re-formation of Protestatism: A transnational perspective on religion and migration. [download abstract]

Hans-Joachim Sander (University of Salzburg): Is Border a Protestant Topic Having Created a Secular Topology? [download abstract]

Simanga Kumalo (University of Kwazulu-Natal):  They Created a Chiefdom: The Case of the Rev James Allison and the Methodist Refugee’s Crossing of Religio-Cultural and Political Borders in South Africa 1835-1860. 

Lilly Phiri (University of Kwazulu-Natal): "Navigating Queer Borders”- Paradoxes within Southern African Protestantism [download abstract]

Kaspar Villadsen, Copenhagen: A Foulcaudian perspective


See the GOBA website for more information on Religious Welfare on the Margins.


Trygve Wyller
Tags: heterotopia, borders, diaconia, space, Protestantism
Published Mar. 3, 2015 10:59 AM - Last modified Mar. 24, 2015 8:24 PM