The Future of the Study of Islam in Scandinavia: Between University Theology and Lived Religion

Nordic/international workshop on Islamic university theology and lived religion under GOBA project I:Private Religion, Public Affairs  .

Through two subprojects, Private Religion, Public Affairs examines the nature and consequences of state involvement with religion in the public sphere, and the processes by which public authorities format private belief inspired by dominant forms of Western Protestantism as beneficial religion that should be promoted, and other religious expressions, where belief is less important, as suspect religion that should be constrained.

The workshop The Future of the Study of Islam in Scandinavia: Between University Theology and Lived Religion initialized subproject II – Theological Formations of Islam, and seeks to discuss the content and structure of study programmes in Islamic theology in Scandinavia. At the conference, we will discuss topics which we think are relevant in order to anchor the study of Islamic theology within the European/Scandinavian academic tradition, while the research also engages with ongoing developments and changes in society. These topics concern: 1) The academic study in Islamic theology within a European/Scandinavian academic setting, 2) The relationship between theology and the humanities, 3) The study of theology as lived religion, 4) Theology/religion in a relational-dialogical perspective.

Published Jan. 21, 2015 9:01 PM - Last modified Apr. 26, 2019 1:42 PM