Workshop: Religious welfare on the margins

Exploratory workshop under GOBA project II: Formatting Religion Beyond the State 

Through two subprojects, Formatting religion beyond the state examines the ways in which people, groups and organizations in civil society offer counternarratives to the majority public formatting of religion, as religious groups offer modes of belonging beyond private belief as arguments for their practices, and shelter migrants on the fringes of society, fostering alternative, religiously motivated conceptions of citizenship.

The initial workshop of subproject II, Religious Welfare on the Margins featured the presentation of a series of case studies, through which the project will explore how religious civil society organizations complement and confront the narrow formatting of citizenship as a legal concept offered by the state. The case studies will form the backbone of the anthology Spaces of Others, to be published by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in 2016.

See the GOBA website for more information on this subproject.


Trygve Wyller
Published Jan. 21, 2015 8:44 PM - Last modified Mar. 3, 2015 11:46 AM