
Time and place: , TF, room 305

The project "Death in Early Protestant Tradition" invites to a half day seminar, followed by lunch.

Time and place: , TF, room 309


How to understand the early protestant funeral sermon genre in relation to the Ars Moriendi genre? How to understand the differences between danish and german funeral sermons?


Time and place: , Rom 305, TF

Presentation of the papers held by Oslo-located projectmemebers at the second RefoRC conference in May.


Discussion on two funeralsermons written by danish Niels Hemmingsen and norwegian Jens Nielssøn.


Discussion on Niels Hemmingsen; "Et visst og fast tegn hvor paa hver kand kjenne seg selv hvad han er Guds barn eller ey" (1577) .

Time and place: , BL29 214 Rom

Apocalyptism in early protestant culture.

Introduction by Sivert Angel and Eivor Oftestad.

A reading of Niels Palladius: Om dommedagen (1575)