
Time and place: , BL29 214 Rom

To be announced

Time and place: , BL29 305 Møterom

Introduction by Tarald Rasmussen


Discussion on materiality and early protestant culture.

Time and place: , TF, Room 301
Ars moriendi i Kirkeritualets ritualer for dødsberedelse av "misdedere" (KR kapt VI art IV). Introduction by prof Arne Bugge Amundsen
Time and place: , Room 305, The Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo

“Continuity – discontinuity”, Introduction by prof. Tarald Rasmussen

Time and place: , Room 305, The Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo

“Death in childbed”, introduction by Eivor Andersen Oftestad

Time and place: , Room 305, The Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo

Discussion on the book “The reformation of feelings” by Susan Karant-Nunn. Introduction by Sivert Angel

Time and place: , Room 305, The Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo

“Ars Moriendi”, presentation by Jon Flæten