Excursion to Strängnes and Stockholm

In collaboration with dr. Otfried Czaika at the National Library of Sweden, the project arranged an excursion to selected libraries and churches.


Arne B. Amundsen, Kristin B. Aavitsland, Eivor A. Oftestad, Otfried Czaika, Tarald Rasmussen. In front of Riddarholmen Church, Stockholm.



The main aim of the excursion was to visit early modern book collections in Strängnes and Stockholm, and to get to know the Swedish death culture as represented by the Ridderholmen Church.




Guided visit in the Rogge Library in Strängnes.

Guided visit in the Strängnes Cathedral and the Cathedral's library.



Guided visit in the National Library of Sweden.

Visit to "Storkyrkan" (Stockholm Cathedral) and the German church of Stockholm (St:a Gertrud).

Guided visit in Riddarholmen Church. Riddarholmen Church is the final resting place of the Swedish kings and Stockholm's only preserved medieval monastery church (1292).



Published Jan. 15, 2013 12:11 PM - Last modified June 27, 2018 9:52 AM