Excursion to Sunnmøre May 21-23

In collaboration with 1. am Øystein Ekroll (Nidaros Domkirkes Restaureringsarbeider), the project arranged an excursion to selected churces at Sunnmøre.

Monday May 21:
The Churches of Ørskog (1872) and Sjøholt: 3 epitaphs from 17th and 18th century.
The old church of Stordal (1789), richly decorated in 1799.
Norddal church(1782), late medieval flemish altarpiece, several epitaphs from 17th and 18th century. 
Tuesday May 22:
Hjørundfjord church, Sæbø (1880): Flemish altarpiece, several epitapfhs from 17th and 18th century.
Ørsta church(1864): Flemish altarpiece, two epitaphs.
Volda church (Arneberg 1932)
Larsnes: Chasuble with late medieval decoration.
Sande Church, Sandsøya (1880): partly late medieval altarpiece, epitaph. 
Wednesday May 23:
Borgund Church, medieval tombs and memorial tablets
Ålesund Church (1909)
Giske chapel (12th century), epitaph 1756, rich interior by "Tavle-Jakob". 
Published Feb. 21, 2012 4:12 PM - Last modified June 7, 2012 2:10 PM