
Time and place: , Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen

Workshop in Copenhagen 18th-20th of November

Friday 18th of November: Excursion to Helsingør, Slangerup and Roskilde, led by Martin Wangsgaard Jürgensen.

Saturday 19th and sunday 20th of November: Presentation of papers

The topic of the Workshop is "What was it to die?"

The intention is to focus on the concept of dying in the early protestant culture, as it appears in textual and visual sources from Scandinavia and the central protestant areas of Germany. The workshop will result in a publication.  

Time and place: , Zurich, Institut für Schweizerische Reformationsgeschichte.

The project participates with four papers in this conference:

Jon O. Flæten (Oslo): Heinrich Suso’s Letter to a Dying Nun

Kristin Bliksrud Aavitsland (Oslo): Visualizing the Art of Dying in Early Protestant Scandinavia

Eivor A. Oftestad (Oslo): The “Sisters of Rachel”: Early Protestant Funeral Sermons and the Female Art of Dying

Bjoern Ole Hovda (Oslo): “Worse Than the Papists” – The Controversy Over the Lord's Supper in Danzig (Gdansk) 1561-1567: Presence and Practice – Theology and Confessional Politics.