AIDS, Gender and Religion.

A HIVU event and seminar

In 2007 the "Broken Women, Healing Traditions?" project received the "Oslo Celebrations Scholarship", which was awarded by the Norwegian Ministry of Research and Higher Education, as part of the celebration of the 10 years of academic cooperation between South Africa and Norway.

This grant made it possible to carry out a peer-based educational project called "HIV University (HIVU)" in Mpophomeni Township in April 2008.The HIVU model is initially developed by WORLD to empower HIV positive women in the United States.

At this seminar we will present the challenges and lessons learnt from implementing this model in a South African context. We are inviting researchers, students, activists, non-governmental, governmental and other official representatives to bring in a variety of critiques and perspectives, and to share their concerns regarding the interrelated themes of AIDS, gender and religion.

NOVEMBER 13TH 2008 Women’s Life Strategies and Search for Empowerment. Assessing AIDS Education

NOVEMBER 14TH 2008 From Ancestor Veneration to Liberal Rights? Techniques of Healing



Published Mar. 9, 2010 6:49 PM - Last modified Mar. 16, 2010 9:08 PM