

Time and place: , Faculty of Theology, U40

A contextual bible study facilitated by Rev. Phumzile Zondi-Mabizela and Dr. Sarojini Nadar, Senior Lecturer & Programme Director Gender and Religion at UKZN

Time and place: , Kirkeruinene i Maridalen 2

Theologian and Aids-activist Rev. Phumzile Zondi-Mabizela from South Africa will hold the sermon

Time and place: , University of Oslo

Prominent researchers from Africa, North America, and Scandinavia, will give lectures that will stimulate interesting discussions within the fields of theology, religious studies, gender studies, and social antropology. Critical knowledge from Africa will be compared with Nordic contextual theology and philosophy and discussed with the challenges of modernity, religion and gender. 

Time and place: , Stellenbosch

22-26 June 2009 The 150th anniversary of the Faculty of Theology, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, is celebrated with a joint conference of a number of academic societies in the field of religion and theology, 22-26 June 2009.  

Time and place: , Faculty of Theology

A HIVU event and seminar