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1st APOCRYPHA Workshop

The first international workshop related to the ERC-financed project APOCRYPHA: Storyworlds in Transition

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Friday 3. Dec. | Saturday 4. Dec. | Sunday 5. Dec.

Friday, 3 December (Domus Juridica, Auditorium 3)

  • Welcome: 13:00–13:30
    • Hugo Lundhaug (University of Oslo): Short introduction to the APOCRYPHA project, presentation of the workshop participants, and practical information.
  • Session One: 13:30–15:00
    • Hugo Lundhaug (University of Oslo): “The Biblical Storyworld as a Complex Adaptive System”
    • Laura Slaughter (University of Oslo): “Design and Development of the APOCRYPHA Database”
  • Break 15:00–15:15
  • Session Two: 15:15–16:45
    • Alin Suciu (Göttingen): “The Coptic-ArabicEthiopic Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles: A Literary Continuum?”
    • Jos van Lent (Rome): “Coptic apocalyptic writings from the Islamic period: from project to projects”
  • Break 16:45–17:00
  • Session Three: 17:00–18:30
    • Rachel Dryden (Cambridge): “Angels in the Qur'ān and Coptic Apocrypha”
    • Tobias Nicklas (Regensburg): “The Beyond Canon Research Group: Structure, Topics, Goals”
  • Dinner: 19:30

Saturday, 4 December (Domus Juridica, Auditorium 2)

  • Session One: 9:00–10:30
    • Sam Cook (University of Oslo): “Manuscripts as Material Artefacts: Evidence from Colophons in the Monastery of Macarius”
    • Florian Graz (University of Oslo): “Narrative Levels and Storyworlds: Theoretical Approaches to Frame Narratives in Coptic Apocrypha”
  • Break 10:30–10:45
  • Session Two: 10:45–12:15
    • Korshi Dosoo (Würzburg): “The Coptic Magical Papyri Project: Overview, Preliminary Findings, and Links with Coptic Literature”
    • Roxanne Bélanger Sarrazin (University of Oslo): “The Abgar Correspondence and the Production of Magical Manuscripts by Monks”
  • Lunch 12:15–13:30
  • Session Three: 13:30–15:00
    • Diliana Atanassova (Göttingen): “The Liturgical Manuscripts from the White Monastery”
    • Joanna Hypszer (University of Oslo):“Literary genres in the Touton Manuscripts: An Overview”
  • Break 15:00–15:15
  • Session Four: 15:15–16:45
    • Christian Bull (MF, Oslo): “Visiting Judas in Hell: two Coptic apocrypha and their reception of Gnostic motifs”
    • Petter Spjut (Uppsala): “Eschatological Restoration in Pistis Sophia: A Possible Case of Apokatastasis.”
  • Break 17:00–17:15
  • Session Five: 17:15–18:00
    • Joost Hagen (Leiden): “‘[It is] the potter [who] blesses the clay’: Towards the identification of a fragmentary Coptic text from Qasr Ibrim, concerning the Apostle Peter”
  • Dinner: 19:00

Sunday, 5 December (Domus Juridica, Auditorium 2)

  • Session One: 09:15–10:45
    • Paula Tutty (University of Oslo): “Journey to Gilgal: Interpretations of Landscape in Coptic Hagiographical Texts”
    • Frederic Krueger (FU Berlin): “‘As Jannes and Jambres Opposed Moses’ – Two Exodus Apocrypha from Roman Egypt”
  • Break 10:45–11:00
  • Session Two: 11:00–11:45
    • René Falkenberg (Aarhus): “Gospel Titles in Coptic Apocrypha”
  • Conclusion 11:45–12:00
Published Nov. 30, 2020 5:17 PM - Last modified Sep. 8, 2023 5:57 AM