The benefits of proximity - the 2018 Grantees' reports

"I could experience a new academic milieu (...) where I heard about exciting ongoing projects and had access to the material artefacts, the manuscripts", says Katharina Heinz, one of the three who received a mobility grant in 2018. Here are their reports.

A two months stay in Copenhagen

Katharina Heinz went ad fontes in its most literal sense: to the medieval manuscript she is researching. She travelled to Copenhagen for a two month lond research stay. "The mobility grant gave me the opportunity to focus on my research work in a motivating environment and to develop both my academic skills and network for possible collaboration in the future", she says.




In Göttingen and Chicago for 3,5 months

Lloyd Abercrombie used the ATTR mobility grant to deepen his understanding of Coptic manuscript culture in dialogue with experts within the field. This was done during several shorter research stays at different locations in Germany and the United States. 



Three shorter research stays in Berlin, Groningen and Utrecht

Ellen Aa. Reinertsen present her project in an early stage and got valuable input on methodological choises. "Scholars from different university contexts have been “thinking with me” about my project, pointing out what is unclear and how their research traditions would relate to my methodological choices," she explains. 





Published Jan. 11, 2019 10:38 AM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2023 3:59 PM