Application: Attachment requirements

The application must contain the PhD paper that you would like to present. In addition, new applicants should include an abstract of their research project, and a PhD program confirmation. You may submit your application without any attachments, but within the deadline all attachments must be uploaded to "Søknadsweb". 

PhD paper

The PhD paper submitted should be a work-in-progress, a text that will benefit from the interdisciplinary response that the ATTR PhD seminars providere. Therefore, the paper should not be tailored to the overall theme of the ATTR seminar, but should be part of your ongoing dissertational work. 

The participants are at different stages in their PhD work. There are therefore two PhD paper options, please make sure that your paper proposal clearly indicates which option you have chosen:

Option 1: Project description

For those who participate for the first time and are at an early stage in their research process: Present your project, 10–15 pages (not counting the bibliography). The written project presentation should begin with an abstract (max 150 words) that includes your research question, method/approach, and main dissertation outline.

Option 2: Scientific text

For those who are further along in their research process: Present a part of your dissertation, or similar, no longer than 20 pages (not counting the bibliography). Include, in addition, a table of contents for your dissertation, and an abstract of your PhD project no longer than one page, in order to show where the current paper belongs within the dissertation as a whole. You may also make suggestions as to what you would like the respondent to focus on.

You are not expected to adjust your paper to the overall theme of the seminar. Your paper should be part of your PhD thesis and all presentations and responses should benefit you and your PhD project directly. However, if you chose option 2, it might be beneficial to include the table of content of your thesis, a short introduction that explains the position and function of the submitted text to the rest of your thesis, and all other alterations that will help you get a relevant response.

Abstract of your research project

The abstract should include your project title and describe the focus of the project, and show the relevance of your topic to ATTR. It should also briefly mention your theoretical approach and methodology. This abstract can be used to present your project for the other participants and lecturers, and at ATTR's web pages, and could be around 300 words.

PhD program confirmation

In order to participate at our courses you must be formally admitted to a PhD program, and this document should confirm that this is so. It could be a letter from your PhD coordinater / Institution / likewise.

Published Apr. 3, 2018 1:56 PM - Last modified May 25, 2021 1:47 PM