Kristiansand Fall 2022 - Authenticity

Authenticity is an important, multi-valent, concept in textual research, applicable to manuscripts, texts, authors, and interpreters alike. This seminar looks into different concepts of authenticity, and explores how they may interact or interfere with each other.


Image may contain: Sky, Plant, Daytime, Building, Cloud.

Participation and deadlines 

  • Applications opens July 4, and deadline for applications is September 1.
  • Papers: September 12
  • Responses and reflection notes: September 30

If you are not already a member of the ATTR, first you need to apply for membership. PhDs from UiO, UiB, NTNU, UiT and MF can apply to become institutional members. All other PhDs (nationally and abroad) may apply to become guest members.

Secondly, you need to apply for participation in this seminar. There are now two formats for participating: earning and not earning ECTS points.  Please note that ECTS is only an option for members from within the European Union.

Details are described in the PhD Guide for the seminar (See Guide section under Program, below). 

Apply for the seminar with ECTS (Deadline September 1)

Apply for the seminar without ECTS (Deadline September 1)

Program and guidelines

Research seminars

PhD seminars

Central to all ATTR seminars are the PhD fellows’ own presentations of papers based on their dissertation work, with prepared responses by other PhD fellows. 

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of ATTR, the focus of the discussions will be primarily on methodological matters and interdisciplinary insights.

The PhD seminars are important means to the ATTR learning goals:

  • Writing and presentation skills: The seminars aim not only at providing a setting for constructive discussions relating to thesis work, but also at preparing the candidates for life after their dissertations. ATTR thus aims to hone students’ presentation and writing skills, skills that may be useful for development of research projects for which funding can be sought from, e.g., ERC and RCN.
  • Methodology: The objective of ATTR is to create a venue where interpretive methodologies can be critically discussed, evaluated, and developed, so as to broaden the candidates’ perspectives and heighten the quality of their analyses.
  • Networking: In all its activities, the creation of an interdisciplinary network of young scholars in order to ensure the highest possible academic quality of PhD education is a central goal of ATTR.




Published Jan. 7, 2022 2:51 PM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2023 2:59 PM