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Study and research abroad - PhD

All PhD candidates are encouraged to spend time abroad as part of the source or field work related to the doctoral thesis or in order to receive supervision and other academic support at another university.

Good reasons to travel abroad

Studying abroad during the doctoral period can be necessary for those who need to do source and field work. Participating in external courses and conferences is also a key part of the organized research training, where candidates also have the opportunity to establish contacts and build networks. Longer stays can also provide opportunities for professional development and supervision by leading academics within your field.

The faculty encourages candidates to form international ties. An international track record will be crucial for future academic employment and for opportunities for external project funding.

Application for travel funds

Contact Ina Marie Ausland if you have any questions.

Published Apr. 22, 2015 8:22 AM - Last modified May 8, 2024 3:42 PM