Norwegian version of this page

Scope and structure of the educational component

The educational component of the PhD degree consists of courses and academic activities corresponding to six months’ work (30 credits).

The educational component must be approved by the PhD leader before the doctoral thesis can be submitted.


Research ethics

Theories and methods

Analytical and writing skills seminar

Presentation seminar

  • 4 ECTS
  • 3 hour seminar, 2 times presentation (once in the first year presentation seminar and once in the "fagenhet"), 2 times response (including once in a Maestro/Maestra seminar), Maestro/Maestra seminar, participation in an international conference
  • Full course description

Elective courses

  • 15 ECTS
  • Optional courses and seminars

This educational component replaces the earlier version of educational component in use until 2017.