Critique, Protest, and Reform - Nordic Conference for Philosophy of Religion

The Reformation 1517-2017 and its Significance for Philosophy, Politics, and Religion


Keynote Speakers

  • Philipp Stoellger (Heidelberg)
  • Jayne Svenungsson (Lund)
  • Dorthe Jørgensen (Aarhus)
  • Burkhard Nonnenmacher (Tübingen)
  • Sami Pihlström (Helsinki)
  • Ward Blanton (Kent),
  • Svein Aage Christoffersen (Oslo)
  • Safet Bektovic (Oslo)


Wednesday 31 May 

  • 14:00 Registration and Coffee
  • 15:00 Words of Welcome. Dean Aud Tønnesen and Prof. Marius T. Mjaaland, President of the NSPR
  • 15:15 Philipp Stoellger: Reformation as Reformatting Religion: The Shift of Perspective and Perception by Faith as Medium
  • 17:00 Safet Bektovic: The Signs of a Hidden God: Dialectics of Veiling and Unveiling God in Islam
  • 17:40 Marius T. Mjaaland: Topos of the Hidden One. Secrecy and Ambivalence in Luther’s Philosophical Legacy
  • 19:00 Reception

Thursday 1 June 

  • 09:00 Sami Pihlström: Pragmatism and Critique: Reforming the Pragmatist Protest in Relation to Kantian Critical Philosophy
  • 10:30 Short Papers
  • 12:45 Lunch
  • 13:30 General Meeting of the NSPR
  • 14:30 Burkhard Nonnenmacher: Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion and Luther
  • 15:10 Jayne Svenungsson: Idealist Philosophy and the Jews: How Idealist Philosophy Was Turned against Itself
  • 17:00 Short papers
  • 19:30 Conference Dinner

Friday 2 June 

  • 09:00 Ward Blanton: Apostle of the Self-help Entrepreneurs? Self-reliance and Spiritual Exercise in the Philosophical Genealogy of Paulinism
  • 10:30 Short Papers
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 12:45 Short Papers
  • 14:00 Dorthe Jørgensen: Aesthetics and Religion in a Contemporary Key 
  • 14:40 Svein Aage Christoffersen: A Lutheran Metaphysic? Ethics and Aesthetics in K.E. Løgstrup’s Metaphysics of Existence
  • 16:00 Closing Words 

Download full program (pdf)

Getting there


  • Voksenkollen
  • Scandic Hotel St. Olavs plass
  • St. Katharinahjemmet

Practical information

  • Map of Oslo 
  • How to get around in Oslo
  • Exploring the city
  • Weather
  • WiFi


Contact: Marius Timmann Mjaaland

Published Aug. 22, 2016 10:19 AM - Last modified Feb. 8, 2023 1:56 PM