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Systematic theology

The research group in Systematic Theology is doing research on ethical, philosophical, theological, ecological, and political questions in a contemporary context.

Siccar points cliff. Photo

dave souza, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

About the group

The group meets regularly on Thursdays during term and invites to workshops, conferences and guest lectures. 

Contact Simone or Marius if you have questions.

Our topic for 2024 is: Creation in/and Crisis.

Research in Systematic Theology concerns the central questions of Christian faith in our multi-religious and globalising world. Moreover, it discusses appropriate methods for a critical and self-critical Christian theology for the benefit of its three major publics, i.e. church, society, and academy.

This group will promote research and publication on central theological themes:

  • the question of God in a globalising age
  • the historical and contemporary significance of the theological virtues of love, hope and faith
  • the impact of hermeneutics and phenomenology on theological method
  • interreligious hermeneutics
  • theology and life sciences
  • the dynamics of ecclesial transformation in an age of globalisation and digitalisation
  • ecology and religion

  • eco-theology and political theology of climate change

  • phenomenology

  • practical theology

  • spirituality and prayer

  • liturgy

  • sociology of religion

The group consists of researchers (permanent faculty members, PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows) who work within the field of systematic theology which comprises philosophy of religion, dogmatics and ethics. The group is led by Professor Marius T. Mjaaland and reseracher Simone Kotva

International members of the group include Professors Ola Sigurdson (University of Gothenburg), Catherine Cornille (Boston College), Jayne Svenungsson (Lund University) and Werner Jeanrond (University of Oslo).

Academic programmes and courses

This research groups welcomes applications for PhD studies within the research framework described on the front page. Please contact Professor Mjaaland for further information.

Published Jan. 26, 2024 4:58 PM - Last modified Jan. 29, 2024 2:25 PM


Detailed list of participants