"Kyrkje, prest og prestegard" – Seminar in Hadsel church and manse

The seminar "Kyrkje, prest og prestegard" was held in Hadsel August 19–21, and two members of the research group contributed with presentations.

Image may contain: cemetery, headstone, land lot, rural area, grass.

Hadsel manse. Foto: Tarald Rasmussen

A seminar with the title "Kyrkje, prest og prestegard" (Church, priest and manse) was held in Hadsel August 19–21. The seminar was opened with a dinner in the manse, followed by a tour in Hadsel curch and the cultural heritage park, guided by Siv and Hallgeir Elstad. Hallgeir performed a causer about the manse.


Presentation overview for August 20:

Hallgeir Elstad og Tarald Rasmussen Introduction
Sigrun Høgetveit Berg Trondenes som kannikgjeld etter reformasjonen
Rognald Heiseldal Bergesen Alterskapa i Trondenes kyrkje – bruk og gjenbruk etter reformasjon med ei samanlikning med alterskapet i Hadsel kyrkje
Hallgeir Elstad ”Paa Hassel jeg allerførst fæster min Fod” - Hadsel prestegjeld etter reformasjonen
Charlotte Appel Danske sognepræsters horisonter og handlerum 1550–1750
Arne Bugge Amundsen Norsk prestegårdskultur – perspektiver og funderinger
Tarald Rasmussen Presteidealer i den lutherske reformasjonen


A tour to Langenes and Sortland church was arranget at the end of the seminar.

For video recording of the presentation held August 20, click on the links in the overview.


Tags: Hadsel By Vegard Ree Ytterbøe
Published Sep. 26, 2019 11:57 AM - Last modified Sep. 26, 2019 11:57 AM