Workshop: Positionality in research and teaching – why should we care? Some reflections

In qualitative research, the concept of positionality is gaining meaning in line with increased focus on how knowledge is developed and legitimized. How we, as researchers and teachers both, observe, interact and develop knowledge is not neutral.

Helena Margrethe Strandli Schmidt, Tonje Baugerud og Marta Bivand Erdal. Photo
Helena Margrethe Strandli Schmidt, Tonje Baugerud og Marta Bivand Erdal.

As concept, however, positionality risks becoming an empty container if it is not also experienced and understood by those of us engaging in both research and teaching. How do we understand what we teach? In which ways do our preconceptions affect our abilities to observe a field? What about our embodiment in the field? How is an empirical encounter shaped and reshaped by the dynamics of people involved in it, including us as researchers?


  • 09:00-09:30 Introduction (Helena Margrethe Strandli Schmidt & Tonje Baugerud)
  • 09:30-10:00 Keynote (Marta Bivand Erdal, Research Professor in Migration Studies, PRIO: On the concept of positionality
  • 10:00-10:15 Break
  • 10:15-11:00 Workshopping positionality
    Group discussions, reflections on researcher and teaching experiences emphasizing the dynamics of positionality
  • 11:00-11:30 Open discussion

About Marta Bivand Erdal

Marta Bivand Erdal is a Research Professor in Migration Studies, at Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), where she is Co-Director of the PRIO Migration Center.

As a Human Geographer she is interested in the impacts of migration and transnationalism in both emigration and immigration contexts, including migration & development, remittances, and migration-related diversity. Marta’s work draws on interview, focus group, and survey data, paying critical attention to the use of categories. From 2019-2021 she coordinated the qualitative data collection in 10 countries and 26 research areas for the EU-funded MIGNEX project. She is currently investigating connections between migration – of different durations and distances – and social mobility into the middle classes in Asia, in the ERC funded research project MigrationRhythms. Marta has published extensively in migration studies and regularly engages with governmental and non-governmental stakeholders.

Published Feb. 24, 2023 12:21 PM - Last modified Mar. 1, 2023 3:27 PM