Breakfast seminar: "Cognitive Perspectives"

Insights from research on the human mind and its complexities have increasingly been brought to bear other fields of study. This seminar will explore blending theory, and how perspectives from the Cognitive Sciences on how humans being perceive, think, and feel, can be applied to the study of cultural and literary practices and textual interpretation. 

M. Turner og G. Fauconnier: The Four-Space Model of Blending Theory

The breakfast seminar can be used to prepare for the upcoming seminar "Cognitive Perspectives", Oct. 22-26, 2018.


Blending theory will be briefly introduced by Hugo Lundhaug at the beginning of the seminar. The conversation will be based on the following two texts:

  • Turner, Mark. “Compression and Representation.” Language and Literature 15:1 (2006): 17– 27.
  • Turner, Mark, and Gilles Fauconnier. "Conceptual Integration Networks." Cognitive Science Vol22 (2) (1998): 133 – 187.

The texts are available upon request, see registration information below.

Hosting and Registration

A light breakfast, coffee and tea will be served.

Registration (e-mail) is not required, but appreciated.



The research group ATTR at TF, UiO, in collaboration with the interdisciplinary national research school ATTR.


Published Aug. 23, 2018 2:17 PM - Last modified Feb. 14, 2023 6:32 PM