Guidelines for postdocs at TF

The overall goal for appointment to postdoctoral positions is that postdocs should have a real opportunity to qualify for top scientific positions. These internal guidelines are based on standards for career support, adopted by the University Board.

TF has determined some internal guidelines to be able to meet these standards and expectations.

Appointments: All appointed postdocs must either be associated with a research project, or they must be associated with an active research group with regular meeting points. 

Appointment period: Postdocs will normally be appointed for 3-4 years. 

Mentor: All postdocs must have an internal mentor. This will either be the project manager on the project they are associated with, the leader of the research group they are associated with, or a person project manager / research group leader points out. The internal mentor shall contribute to professional and research development, as well as be a supporter in relation to career development and network building. The mentor should be identified in the appointment agreement. 

Career development plan: All postdocs must have a career development plan. Within one month of appointment, a meeting shall be held which forms the basis for the development of a career development plan. This meeting should be attended by the postdoctoral fellow, the mentor, research dean and research adviser.  

Career development talks: All postdocs should be invited to an annual talk about career development and CV building. This takes place as part of the annual one-to-one work dialogue with the dean of research. The talk will be based on the career development plan. 

Postdoctoral meetings: To the extent that the number of postdocs employed at a given time allows, the postdoctoral group shall be considered a cohort that meets at least once a semester for discussions and exchange of experiences related to career development. The meetings can also be used for specific competence development measures. 

Generic skills: Needs related to generic skills, which are identified through career development plans, career development talks and postdoctoral meetings, can be met through offers centrally at UiO, courses / activities developed in collaboration with other units, or locally at TF. CV development and competence building with a view to being able to apply for and obtain external research funding should be a particular focus area. 


Published May 28, 2021 12:59 PM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2021 8:32 AM