Johanna Maria Bokedal

Doctoral Research Fellow - Fagseksjonen
Image of Johanna Maria Bokedal
Norwegian version of this page
Visiting address Blindernveien 9 Domus Theologica 0371 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1023 Blindern 0315 Oslo

PhD Project and Research Interests

My research interests broadly include the role of art, aesthetics, and materiality in the experience and presentation of religion and spirituality in both historical and modern contexts, often in connection to identity formation. My PhD project is interdisciplinary and features a selection of synagogue case-studies from the Jewish diaspora in Late Antiquity. Using an adapted version of Berger and Luckmann’s concept of the Symbolic Universe (1966), I comparatively investigate identity formation and interreligious and intercultural influences between Jews, Christians, and Graeco-Romans through the study of material space and architectural decoration in dialogue with written records. In addition to my PhD project, I research and write on the display and contextualization of religion in contemporary museums and the interplay of the “religious” and “secular” in the museum space. 

Other Projects

NLA University College: Alongside my PhD project I hold a 10% position as Lecturer in Religious Studies at NLA University College, where I am the coordinator of a year-long digital program in Christianity, Religion, and Ethics (KRLE) and co-teach other courses, such as REL115.

Rethinking the Secular: Since 2023 I am a member of the international research group Rethinking the Secular: Critical Perspectives on Religion, Education and Culture.

Slow Art Day: I am a core team member of the global art movement Slow Art Day, for which I co-write an Annual Report with resources for museum educators. Slow Art Day events are organized by over 150 museums and galleries each April, and encourage people to slow down and connect with each-other and local museums through art. 


  • 2024 – Doctoral Research Fellow. University of Oslo, Norway
  • 2017– 2019: MA in The Religious Roots of Europe (Comparative History of Religion). Lund University, Sweden
  • 2013 – 2017: Scottish MA in Art History and Modern History (Joint Honours). University of St. Andrews, Scotland
  • 2007 – 2013: Aberdeen Grammar School, Aberdeen, Scotland
  • 2002 – 2007: Vasaskolan, Gothenburg, Sweden

Teaching Experience

  • 2021-01 – :NLA University College, Norway. Lecturer in Religious Studies (Høgskolelektor i Religionsvitenskap)
  • 2020-10 - 2021-05: Escola Jaume I, Spain. English Language Assistant


Tags: History of Religions, Interreligious Studies, Jewish Studies, Aesthetics and Religion, Ancient Religion and Culture, Sociology of Religion, Synagogue Studies, Hebrew


  • Bokedal, Johanna (2022). The symbolic universe of the Temple: A case-study of the fifth-century synagogue at Sepphoris with focus on its mosaic. Nordisk judaistik. ISSN 0348-1646. 33(2), p. 3–18. doi: 10.30752/nj.121801.

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  • Bokedal, Johanna (2024). Christian Missionary History out of Context? A Case-study of a 1930s Mission Poster from China in St. Mungo’s Museum of Religious Life and Art. Paper given as part of the European Academy of Religion Annual Conference in Palermo, 2024.
  • Bokedal, Johanna (2023). "Church or Museum? On the Experience of Romanesque Church Murals in the Catalonian National Museum of Art." Paper given as part of the panel 'Religions from the aesthetic experiences.' .
  • Hardy Wombell, Rebecca & Bokedal, Johanna (2022). Can digital technology help us to learn to look slowly? [Internet]. MuseumNext.
  • Terry, Phil; Bokedal, Johanna & Nocella, Jessica Jane (2022). Keynote Speech: Slow Art Day - Design by Letting Go (Phyl/Phil Terry, Johanna Bokedal and Jessica Jane Nocella).
  • Bokedal, Johanna (2021). An Interview with Johanna Bokedal, Slow Art Day Writer and Assistant Professor in Religious Studies at NLA University College, and Annalisa Banzi, Researcher and Consultant in Museum Studies, Psychology, and Neuroscience; Founder and coordinator of The ASBA Project. Interview conducted by Elisabetta Roncati, Content Creator and Art Sharer. [Internet]. Instagram:
  • Bokedal, Johanna (2019). "Jewish 'Identity' as Self-Perception: Temple Symbolism in the Fifth-Century Synagogue at Sepphoris" Paper given as part of panel on 'Spatial Issues in Religious Studies'.

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Published Apr. 8, 2024 5:26 PM - Last modified June 17, 2024 3:08 PM