Gunnar Gjermundsen

Image of Gunnar Gjermundsen
Norwegian version of this page
Visiting address Blindernveien 9 Domus Theologica 0371 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1023 Blindern 0315 Oslo

Academic interests

Philosophy of religion, patristics, ecophilosophy, epistemology, phenomenology, interreligious hermeneutics


The Contemplation of Nature Among the Greek Fathers: A Phenomenological Study


  • B.A. Philosophy (University of Oslo/University of Toronto). 
  • PsyD (University of Oslo).
  • Worked as a psychologist in clinical practice in Oslo.
  • Five-year specialization in psychoanalytic group therapy (Institute of Group Analysis).
  • Long-standing interest in Eastern wisdom traditions: studied Tibetan Buddhism with Dr. Daniel P. Brown (Harvard Medical School) and Dr. B. Alan Wallace (Santa Barbara Institute of Consciousness Studies), a number of years in the Sufi-inspired Ridhwan school, as well as a three-year yoga teacher training at the Norwegian Yoga Teacher Academy.

Religionsfilosofi, patristikk, tidlig kristendom, komparative religionsstudier Kategori 3: Gresk

Tags: Systematic Theology, Philosophy of Religion, Patristics, Early Christianity, Comparative Religion, Greek


  • Gjermundsen, Gunnar (2024). Living on This Earth as in Heaven: Time and the Ecological Conversion of Eschatology. Modern Theology. ISSN 0266-7177. doi: 10.1111/moth.12930.
  • Gjermundsen, Gunnar; Haugestad, Christian Andres Palacios & Nadeau, Christina (2024). Etterord: Tre råd til mennesker i antropocen. In Mjaaland, Marius Timmann; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland & Hessen, Dag Olav (Ed.), Antropocen - menneskets tidsalder. Res Publica. ISSN 9788282263016. p. 227–237.
  • Gjermundsen, Gunnar (2023). The Spiritual Senses and the Problem of Transcendence. Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality. ISSN 1533-1709. doi: 10.1353/scs.2023.a909108.

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  • Gjermundsen, Gunnar (2023). På tide at prester tar psykedelika på alvor. Vårt land. ISSN 0805-5424.
  • Gjermundsen, Gunnar (2022). Tekstgjennomgang: Juledag: Joh 1:1-14, Hebr 1:1-6, Ordsp 8:1-2,22-31. Nytt norsk kirkeblad : for teologi og praksis. ISSN 0802-9504. p. 75–79.
  • Gjermundsen, Gunnar (2022). Kristus og Gaia: Hva er en kristen respons på den økologiske omveltningen? . Segl. Katolsk Årsskrift for religion og samfunn. ISSN 1893-8728.
  • Gjermundsen, Gunnar (2021). Fem dager i skogen, uten mat. Harvest Magazine.

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Published Feb. 23, 2021 11:31 AM - Last modified Nov. 2, 2021 10:32 AM